Need someone who will chat with me about OpenGL and animated skinning process

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2 comments, last by 3TATUK2 10 years, 3 months ago

I have been working on this pet project rendering engine for almost 6 months. I have been trying to figure out my issue with my animated skinning process for almost 2 months.

I know when enough is enough and I need someone who's professionally amazing with openGL and understand animated skinning to talk with me and look over my process to see what I might be missing.

I have been enjoying learning openGL and i have done this procedure before in a DirectX engine so if anyone can give me a hand in this openGL one please let me know. My issue is to big for me to write a simple question which is why I'm looking for some 1 on 1 help now.

I really really want to solve this soon so please anyone out there that can give me a second pair of eyes in this issue of mine?!


Skinning is not API specific, the same concept used in DirectX can be used in OpenGL...thats just semantics. The underlying mathematics is the same regardless of the 3D API used. If you could be more specific on exactly what issues you are having, it would go a long way in getting response to your question(s).

Well if i did the process and I'm not getting results properly. Then it defines that I'm miss understanding openGL in someeee way. Seeing as I've looked all over my code base its not like I can say "i think the issue is here" when I'm totally clueless to where my issue can be. Which is why I was looking for that 1 on 1 help in the first place

Well, if you understand the basic fundamentals then it's pretty easy.

First step is to actually texture something.

If you can't do that - then figure it out first.

After that, you simply bind a different texture at different frames of rendering...

Animation speed can be handled a few different ways but that's more math related than simply animating.

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