Just another thought (designing a fast but powerful language)

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76 comments, last by Aardvajk 10 years, 3 months ago
Then you have a secondary problem to solve: how will you convince anyone else to join your project?

Wielder of the Sacred Wands
[Work - ArenaNet] [Epoch Language] [Scribblings]


After making the language,

you will be probably at age of 90 then (you doing many assumptions about your superpowers)
this isn't something i'll do on my own

as to making many things on your own, i personaly belive that today it is more hard than before (in 80'ties etc) (see some thread here on this forum if making games is harder today,) some people belive this is easier, but personally i belive this is much harder, and this is a problem imo (everyting growed 10 or 20 times in complexity or so, )

Domain specificity can be taken to extremes in order to simplify languages, but then you lose flexibility:





is a language, assuming that all of the details of the mmorpg are already written and linked in via the compiler's standard inclusion mechanisms. But you can only write one game with it. As you extend the language to allow you to modify the output, you add complexity.

So you trade off. If you want your language to be simpler than existing solutions, you have to lose flexibility.

Maybe there is a magic, silver-bullet approach nobody has thought of yet. Maybe it is sitting out there waiting to be discovered. What you have to ask is, given that many thousands of extremely experienced and educated computer scientists with years of work and research behind them have been studying these topics for decades, how likely is it that you will be the one to invent it?

Domain specificity can be taken to extremes in order to simplify languages, but then you lose flexibility:





is a language, assuming that all of the details of the mmorpg are already written and linked in via the compiler's standard inclusion mechanisms. But you can only write one game with it. As you extend the language to allow you to modify the output, you add complexity.

So you trade off. If you want your language to be simpler than existing solutions, you have to lose flexibility.

Maybe there is a magic, silver-bullet approach nobody has thought of yet. Maybe it is sitting out there waiting to be discovered. What you have to ask is, given that many thousands of extremely experienced and educated computer scientists with years of work and research behind them have been studying these topics for decades, how likely is it that you will be the one to invent it?

The silver bullet here could be working 25 times faster than other specialist (doing in one day the things they do in 25 days) but very soon

i think you would die because of exhaustion

Other way would be to live 400 years and doing tings at normal speed (even resting when tired to get back the motivation) but then you will die becouse of groving old

that is the situation

(my personal approach is closer to the second way mentioned, Im trying to be patient and do only some small kind of things but aimed

at some kind of base quality, yet it is all (even simple thing) very hard)

Domain specificity can be taken to extremes in order to simplify languages, but then you lose flexibility:


is a language, assuming that all of the details of the mmorpg are already written and linked in via the compiler's standard inclusion mechanisms. But you can only write one game with it. As you extend the language to allow you to modify the output, you add complexity.

So you trade off. If you want your language to be simpler than existing solutions, you have to lose flexibility.

Maybe there is a magic, silver-bullet approach nobody has thought of yet. Maybe it is sitting out there waiting to be discovered. What you have to ask is, given that many thousands of extremely experienced and educated computer scientists with years of work and research behind them have been studying these topics for decades, how likely is it that you will be the one to invent it?

i don't like mmorpg's.
The possibility of me inventing a language like that, i'll say 50:50.
I've also wondered the same thing. What could i make that hasn't been done. Why would i want to make an OS when there's Microsoft and Apple, why would i would i want to make a game engine when there's Unreal and cryengine?
There's also why is it that anytime i check google to demotivate me from doing these i see people making exactly what i'm intending to make. Why are people making languages, why are people making OS's, why are people making engines, why would Apple think of making a search engine? Also, why aren't there 4 programming languages, why didn't they leave it at 4? It's all readily available but yet it's still being done.
About 3 months ago, the question was why would i want to program? Why don't i just sit down and wait for numerous companies to churn out consumer products for me to use and not bother about anything? Well, about 3 months later i'm asking for this.
It's a lot of why's.

Total LOC: ~3M Lines
Total Languages: ~32

I can do ALL things through Christ - Jesus Christ
Logic will get you from A-Z, imagination gets you everywhere - Albert Einstein
The problems of the world cannot be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. - John F. Kennedy

Domain specificity can be taken to extremes in order to simplify languages, but then you lose flexibility:


is a language, assuming that all of the details of the mmorpg are already written and linked in via the compiler's standard inclusion mechanisms. But you can only write one game with it. As you extend the language to allow you to modify the output, you add complexity.

So you trade off. If you want your language to be simpler than existing solutions, you have to lose flexibility.

Maybe there is a magic, silver-bullet approach nobody has thought of yet. Maybe it is sitting out there waiting to be discovered. What you have to ask is, given that many thousands of extremely experienced and educated computer scientists with years of work and research behind them have been studying these topics for decades, how likely is it that you will be the one to invent it?

i don't like mmorpg's.
The possibility of me inventing a language like that, i'll say 50:50.
I've also wondered the same thing. What could i make that hasn't been done. Why would i want to make an OS when there's Microsoft and Apple, why would i would i want to make a game engine when there's Unreal and cryengine?
There's also why is it that anytime i check google to demotivate me from doing these i see people making exactly what i'm intending to make. Why are people making languages, why are people making OS's, why are people making engines, why would Apple think of making a search engine? Also, why aren't there 4 programming languages, why didn't they leave it at 4? It's all readily available but yet it's still being done.
About 3 months ago, the question was why would i want to program? Why don't i just sit down and wait for numerous companies to churn out consumer products for me to use and not bother about anything? Well, about 3 months later i'm asking for this.
It's a lot of why's.

the difference is they do it and youre talking, try it yourself ..

I know it is fun to walk ant talk "i will do everything" (like someone says you will get an electronic hat that will magically make it) but this is

a blit like watching a crazy man making a fool of people here..

(and this is a bit sad of you)

There is always room for improvement, if you have some specific task in mind, with well defined requirements.

Perfection is unfortunately out of reach for us mere humans, with limited lifespan and resources. We are not gods (yet).

Engineering is all about making the right trade-offs to get something done in reasonable time, with reasonable resources.

Domain specificity can be taken to extremes in order to simplify languages, but then you lose flexibility:


is a language, assuming that all of the details of the mmorpg are already written and linked in via the compiler's standard inclusion mechanisms. But you can only write one game with it. As you extend the language to allow you to modify the output, you add complexity.

So you trade off. If you want your language to be simpler than existing solutions, you have to lose flexibility.

Maybe there is a magic, silver-bullet approach nobody has thought of yet. Maybe it is sitting out there waiting to be discovered. What you have to ask is, given that many thousands of extremely experienced and educated computer scientists with years of work and research behind them have been studying these topics for decades, how likely is it that you will be the one to invent it?

i don't like mmorpg's.
The possibility of me inventing a language like that, i'll say 50:50.
I've also wondered the same thing. What could i make that hasn't been done. Why would i want to make an OS when there's Microsoft and Apple, why would i would i want to make a game engine when there's Unreal and cryengine?
There's also why is it that anytime i check google to demotivate me from doing these i see people making exactly what i'm intending to make. Why are people making languages, why are people making OS's, why are people making engines, why would Apple think of making a search engine? Also, why aren't there 4 programming languages, why didn't they leave it at 4? It's all readily available but yet it's still being done.
About 3 months ago, the question was why would i want to program? Why don't i just sit down and wait for numerous companies to churn out consumer products for me to use and not bother about anything? Well, about 3 months later i'm asking for this.
It's a lot of why's.

I've been programming for about thirty years now, and have yet to find something I could do that hasn't been done. If you have a "great idea", the first thing you should assume is a zillion others have already had the same idea, some of whom were in a position to assess its feasibility.

By all means, please go implement your idea. You'll find once you have more than a "great idea" people will start taking you seriously. As it is at the moment, people just want to give you a reality check to stop you wasting time. Ours and yours.

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