Blitting with GDI to LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8?

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2 comments, last by pt99rbl 22 years, 6 months ago
Is there any efficient way of using a GDI function to blit a font onto LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 privateData. The reason I''m asking is that I''m working on a fontlibrary where I will choose a font (Preferably TFT), get the information about the font through GDI and blit the fonts onto a texture. This texture will then be used as an ordinary texture where I get the u,v coordinates in my vertices in my VB. The VB consists of pairs of triangles where every pair makes up a letter from a text. So...If someone has some ideas of how my question can be answered...(It would be nice to see some actual sourcecode in CPP). Yes, I know that there is a D3DX function for this kinda things! /Richard
Take a look at the CD3DFont class that comes with the SDK. I believe that this is how that class creates it''s fonts.

______________"Evil is Loud"
Actually I knew about this before, but didn''t look closely into it then, but on your command =O) I did. And I think this is what I wanted to do so...

The reason for me to create something that already exists is that I want to learn and to be able to call it "mine".

Thank you Zaei!
I am going to have to do the same thing, but for now, I will use ID3DXFont for a quick fix.

______________"Evil is Loud"

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