
Started by
1 comment, last by rip-off 9 years, 11 months ago
Hi Everyone!
The reason I'm posting this is in reference to a STAR TREK project that we are developing...

We are all professionals on this project. Personally, I'm a seasoned software engineer because of Star Trek... I studied electronics in the service and eventually migrated into the software world and have 10+ professional years. Basically we are seeking other professionals in a wide variety of disciplines to support the development of this project... If you're interested in possibly getting involved then please send us an email at the address provided in the flyer.

The professional thing to do would be to post in the correct part of the website.

Álvaro is pointing the correct place for recruitment, but also note that we do not allow recruiting for projects using existing intellectual property here. You are free to recruit for your own futuristic space themed game.

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