artificial roll of camera

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0 comments, last by GyCot 22 years, 6 months ago
While navigating a 3d environment, i am trying to cut down on the ammount of roll that is made when changing yaw and pitch. After about 10 seconds of moving around (using the mouse''s x position for yaw and y for pitch, and using the keyboard for forward/back/left right) my "center" view with a reported 0 yaw or pitch is way off skew. Do I just need to rethink my camera strategy? or is there a little trick to balance and keep the "center view" from rotating so far off?
i love posting on here, cause it always makes me try and think twice as hard about the question so i can figure it out myself before someone spoils it. In this case, all i had to do was make sure my right vector always had a y coord of 0. BAMPH

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