wglUseFontOutlines Trouble!!

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3 comments, last by Sim 22 years, 6 months ago
Hello! I have tried to implement outline fonts into my engine, but it makes everything looking bad(except of the font: http://www.geocities.com/simon_dotschuweit/bad.jpg If I don''t call the displaylists generated by wglUseFontOutlines everything is nice: http://www.geocities.com/simon_dotschuweit/good.jpg I have analysed the api calls of wglUseFontOutlines, there are several gluTesslate* calls, I think I have to disable the tesslation mode after drawing the font, but how can I do that? Any idea? Thanks!
Really nobody who is using Outlinefont?
Or are you using another method to create them?
Please tell me!
quote:Original post by Sim
Really nobody who is using Outlinefont?
Or are you using another method to create them?

Most people use textured fonts (you have an entire font on a texture, and you render quads with parts of the texture mapped on to them).

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To me it looks like the backface culling was turned into frontface culling. Try glCullFace(GL_BACK); After calling your font stuff, or even before calling it, or check the source of the font drawing routines if you can and search for glCullFace(GL_FRONT), And try to find out why it is called.

Or try glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); (or sth like this) - if it not too expensive.

I hope it helps,

Or try romka''s GLF library, I am using it, it''s great. AND it''s simple to implement, but unfortunately you can''t load true type fonts (yet - the new version is said to includ a cenversion tool, what would be great). (http://romka.demonews.com)

If this still doesn''t help you, look at nehe''s textured font tutorial (http://nehe.gamedev.net)

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