Optimizing games for mobile platforms(Windows Phone).

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8 comments, last by frob 9 years, 2 months ago


I'm making a game for "big" Windows 8 and I decided to make WP version. I noticed, that my app is really slower on smartphone, than in laptop. I wonder, how can I optimize my game? With text I didn't have a big problem, but with bitmaps and 3d models, yes I have. I had a idea to make bitmaps with smaller count of pixels, but I thing that isn't enough. Maybe you can give me some advices of desing mobile games?


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There is nothing usefull for me, I'm not looking toturials how to make a game, but how to optimize a game(maybe not only for Windows Phone).

If you'd read as far as the second paragraph you'd notice:

This section contains more information on using Direct3D in a phone app, including API and shader support, differences from the desktop platform, and performance optimization.

hmm, I read this and there is no helpful clues, any other sites/ideas?

Profile your application.

First use the numbers to identify problems. Then attempt to correct it, measuring again to ensure you fixed the problem.

This was helpful, thanks. Maybe can you suggest some of way to compress bitmaps, that can be improve rendering frames?

Use the texture compression supported by your device, which I assume would be S3TC (DXTn/DXTC).

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCtX_wedtZ5BoyQBXEhnVZw/playlists?view=1&sort=lad&flow=grid

Yes, you are right, DirectX hardware level 9_3 maximal support s3tc. I assume, that I should dds texture instead of bitmaps. Ok, I found a class in DirectXTK used for load dds texture from file, but I don't have any idea, how can I use it and how can I render this texture in 2D("flat") instead of creating 3D scenes? Maybe some tutorial?

There are many techniques for that. Setting your camera to an orthographic projection and drawing textured quads is one of the more common ones. That has more to do with learning the fundamentals of graphics than with mobile programming.

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