Game Engines without "Editors"?

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6 comments, last by AgentC 9 years, 1 month ago

I've been looking for an engine to use, but most of them (Unity, Unreal, Paradox3d, etc.) revolve around editors and object placement. As a programmer, and a single-person team, I'm not exactly focused on asset-rich setpieces like a more traditional game, but something focused more on dynamically-generated content. Obviously, this is possible in the aforementioned engines, but the paradigm kind of gets in the way, and I've found myself having trouble learning how to navigate them.

Basically, I'm looking for something more like a library than a full-on application; basically a really beefy and fuller-featured SDL. I'm not too particular on language, but mostly keen on C# or a somewhat modern C++ codebase, and targeting the PC platform primarily w/ DX11 or OGL4. Does anyone know any good free or no-up-front-cost engines that fit that description?


Would like something like XNA/MonoGame fit the bill? They aren't engines per-say, but rather frameworks that handle a lot of the nuts 'n bolts when it comes to graphics, sound, etc.

I think Ogre3D might work for you.

Would like something like XNA/MonoGame fit the bill?

I was also going to suggest MonoGame as a potential option. You might also consider Urho3D.

- Jason Astle-Adams

Polycode or Magnum maybe?

I know that at least Magnum doesn't do DirectX, but is that important?

Too many projects; too much time


Thanks for the responses, everyone!

I'm generally targeting a DX11 feature level (I like to tinker too much to be limited to DX9), so some of these are non-starters (particularly Urho3D and MonoGame). Polycode especially seems editor-driven. I'll give Magnum and gameplay3D a further look in that light, and I'll check out Ogre3D. I looked at that engine a long time ago and it wasn't particularly well-designed, but that was 8 years ago and a lot can change.

Urho3D actually acquired D3D11, OpenGL 3.2 and WebGL (Emscripten) rendering recently, the site documentation was just lagging behind. However it doesn't yet expose some of the new API exclusive features like tessellation or stream out, so if you require those you're indeed wise to choose another engine.

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