
Some user cannot report spam on articles?

Started by April 04, 2015 04:52 AM
0 comments, last by jbadams 9 years, 5 months ago

A few moments ago, a user asked me how to report spam on his article. Normally, you just click report and write a short message explaining why this post is problematic. This time, it's not so easy. Two things:

1. The author could not see the link saying "Report" next to the "Quote" button, but I could, and could click it.

2. When trying to report this post, I would receive a strange error message telling me that there was a problem with the database or something like that.

It may be a good idea for staff to investigate this, or at least remove the spam post and ban the spambot that created it.

Profile of spambot:

Article effected by the spam:

Thank you,


We did recieve a report from you, and I've already banned the spammer and removed the offending posts.

I'll add the issues with reporting (the missing button for some users, the error you recieved) to my to-do list.

Thanks for the report! :)

- Jason Astle-Adams

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