Skeletal animation in Assimp

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18 comments, last by Pilpel 9 years ago

Add "node" to the list of synonyms. Assimp uses the term node.

Assimp also uses bones. (aiBone structure)


Still having problems with the matrices.

Am I supposed to multiply each node's mTransformation matrix by its parents' matrices, in order to get (and store) the "toRoot" matrix? cause that's what I'm doing, and I'm not sure if I'm getting correct results. (still static models)

Here's what I've done so far:

The main "Scene" class is called Model. It has a vector of Node objects, and each node has a vector of Mesh objects.

Each node also stores a glm::mat4 matrix (column-major) called toRoot. Some code:


bool Model::import(const char *file)
	_scene = aiImportFile(file, aiProcess_Triangulate | 0/*aiProcess_FlipUVs*/);
		aeError("could not load 3d model");

	return (_scene != nullptr);

void Model::load()
		_processNode(_scene->mRootNode, aiMatrix4x4()) //call _processNode with an identity matrix

void Model::draw()
		for(size_t i = 0; i < _nodes.size(); i++)
			_shaderProgram.setUniform("ModelMatrix",  _transformation * _nodes[i].toRoot()); //_transformation is a private glm::mat4 that I use for scaling the model if it's too big.

void Model::_processNode(aiNode *node, aiMatrix4x4 toRoot)
	_nodes.push_back( Node(node, _scene, toRoot, &_meshOptions) );

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < node->mNumChildren; i++)
		_processNode(node->mChildren[i], node->mTransformation * toRoot); //aiMatrix4x4 is row-major, so I think this order of multiplication is correct


Node::Node(aiNode *node, const aiScene *scene, aiMatrix4x4 toRoot, MeshOptions *meshOptions) : _node(node), _scene(scene)
	_aiMatrixToGlm(toRoot, _toRoot); //just inverses the give aiMatrix, and copies it to _toRoot.

	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < _node->mNumMeshes; i++)
		unsigned int meshIndex = node->mMeshes[i];
		_meshes.push_back( Mesh(_scene->mMeshes[meshIndex], meshOptions) );

void Node::draw()
	for(size_t i = 0; i < _meshes.size(); i++)

//private help function
void Node::_aiMatrixToGlm(const aiMatrix4x4 &aiMat, glm::mat4 &glmMat)
	//inverse from row-major to column-major
	aiMatrix4x4 temp = aiMat;

	for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
			glmMat[i][j] = temp[i][j];

in main.cpp, I first call Model::import(), then Model::load(), and then in the render function I call Model::draw().

The Mesh class constructor just uploads aiMesh data to the gpu using OpenGL functions. Mesh::draw() simply calls glDrawElements().

What am I doing wrong?

Still having problems with the matrices. ... I'm not sure if I'm getting correct results ... What am I doing wrong?

You should take a look at this list of information regarding effective ways to get help with forum posts - in particular, the section titled "When asking about code."

After you've read that information, the next step in debugging is for you to identity the problem. So ... what problem have you identified?

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the forums for everyone's benefit, and I can embarrass myself publicly.

You don't forget how to play when you grow old; you grow old when you forget how to play.

I noticed that when playing with the matrix calculations (in example changing the multiplication order, or simply omitting prog.setUniform() line) I get the same results. (the barbarian is located in the same spot everytime). This makes me think that my code is buggy.

So my question is if I'm doing this right, storing in each node a "toRoot" matrix which is the multiplication of the node mTransformation matrix and all of its parents' mTransformation matrices.

... storing in each node a "toRoot" matrix which is the multiplication of the node mTransformation matrix and all of its parents' mTransformation matrices.

That description of the algorithm is correct. As you seem to be aware, the order of multiplication is important. That multiplication order includes scaling. I'm not particularly familiar with OGL or effects**, but understanding the difference between row-major and column-major is necessary.

** Is transposition of the matrix needed, and does "setUniform" do that?

If you're asking if your code implements the algorithm correctly, you should first attempt to determine that yourself. If there's a problem, you need to identify where in your code the problem occurs.

As with any program, both the code and the data must be correct for the results to be correct. When coding an algorithm for the first time, use the simplest possible data set to test it.

Skinned-mesh/skeletal-animation is an advanced technique. It appears you've written 100s of lines of code and may be using a fairly complex set of data imported using methods you don't fully understand. You should be prepared for that approach not to work.

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the forums for everyone's benefit, and I can embarrass myself publicly.

You don't forget how to play when you grow old; you grow old when you forget how to play.

Add "node" to the list of synonyms. Assimp uses the term node.

Assimp also uses bones. (aiBone structure)

I remember struggling with assimp too initially.
It's been a few months since I last touched animations but aiBones only hold information such as inverse bind pose matrix but they call it offset matrix, bone indices & weights. The hierarchy is not represented at all here. That's where the aiNodes intervene. You have to construct a tree and match corresponding aiBones to aiNodes, using the names.

So I got some stuff working now. I managed to display good looking (still static) models using the nodes' hierarchy and their toRoot matrix.

I've been trying for days to figure out the offset matrix purpose and how to generate one for every bone. (just so I know I got it right. Assimp generates an offset matrix for every bone automatically).

Please correct me if I'm wrong in any of the next statements:

1. From what I've read, the offset matrix transforms vertices from their mesh node space to their influence bone space. a simpler explanation: it transforms vertices from their node space to the bone's node space. By that, the offset matrix calculation should be like this:

//using the opengl matrix multiplication order (right is first, left is second)
offsetMatrix = Inverse(boneNode.toRoot()) * meshNode.toRoot(); 

2. Having the toRoot matrix for every node is enough in order to display a static model. No other data like the offset matrix is needed.

Regarding the first statement, I checked if the offset matrix calculated by Assimp is equal to the offset matrix I calculate with my approach. I failed.

Here's my attempt:

aiBone *bone = mesh->mBones[i];
cout << "bone->mName.C_Str(): " << bone->mName.C_Str() << endl;
cout << "bone->mOffsetMatrix:\n";
disp(bone->mOffsetMatrix); //displays a given matrix

aiNode *boneNode = findNodeByName(bone->mName.C_Str());
if(boneNode == nullptr)
	cout << "findNodeByName(bone->mName.C_Str()) is nullptr\n";
else {
	aiMatrix4x4 nodeToRoot = calcToRoot(meshNode);
	aiMatrix4x4 boneToRoot = calcToRoot(boneNode);

	cout << "my calculated offset matrix:\n";
	disp(boneToRoot.Inverse() * nodeToRoot);

Here's the whole piece of code, if it helps. (not too long)

Note that I also tried playing with the matrices multiplication order. offsetMatrix is still not close to be the assimp's bone offset matrix.

Help would be greatly appreciated!

(The offset matrix) transforms vertices from their node space to the bone's node space

The description is correct. However, it may be that the assimp offset matrix is just boneToRoot.Invervse(). Have you made that comparision?

In some file formats, that, in fact, is the way it's done, and you have to do the meshToRoot multiplication yourself, particularly if there is only one set of bone offset matrices in the file. The reason for that is an animated model may have several meshes, each with its own ToRoot. Consider, if there are multiple meshes in the file, either there would have to be a set of offset matrices per mesh, or just one set of offsets and the user would apply the individual meshToRoot matrices separately.


2. Having the toRoot matrix for every node is enough in order to display a static model. No other data like the offset matrix is needed.

That is often the case, but there is no standard for how data must be applied. I.e., the only rule is: there ain't no rules. If using only toRoot mats for a static model works for that file, then the only thing that can be said is: it works for that file.

I've run across some files which were obviously intended for a particular implementation. E.g., IIRC, I have run into cases where separate meshes in the file (such as a weapon, or a helmet) were origin based. The user of the file was expected to attach that mesh as desired. Also, I ran across a model in which several animation sequences were all crammed into a single animation set, and the individual sequences were intended to be invoked by a range of ticks (frame times). I.e., frame 0 was base pose; frames 1-10 were Walk, frames 11-32 were RaiseAxe, etc., etc. That frame time information was not included in the file.

Please don't PM me with questions. Post them in the forums for everyone's benefit, and I can embarrass myself publicly.

You don't forget how to play when you grow old; you grow old when you forget how to play.

The description is correct. However, it may be that the assimp offset matrix is just boneToRoot.Invervse(). Have you made that comparision?

I tried comparing the matrices and they are still different. Can anyone who worked with Assimp before confirm what exactly does assimp's offsetMatrix do? It isn't equal to any matrix transformation I tested till now.

Two more questions regarding the "final matrix":

1. Let's say that assimp's offset matrix for each bones transforms from root node space to bone space ( Inverse(boneToRoot) ). The final matrix for each bone in the render cycle should be the following: Inverse(offsetMatrix) * animationMatrix * offsetMatrix * nodeToRoot. In order words:

Mesh node space -> root node space,

root node space -> bone node space,

apply the animation matrix, so: bone node space -> animated bone node space.

now back to root space: animated bone node space -> (animated) root node space.

Is this correct?

2. Many people suggest to extract only the "bone nodes" from the node hierarchy and upload them to a Skeleton object which contains only bones.

When calculating the final matrix for each bone (the only that will be uploaded to the shader), should I care about bones only or should I care about nodes (that might be under the bones in the node hierarchy) too?

What's the preferred way of doing this?

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