WinningHand; Tactical turn based card game with Strategic aspect

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-1 comments, last by Felinicus 9 years, 1 month ago

I'd like to present my game to people on this forum, WinningHand, which is currently being developed and classed as an Alpha release. I've been working on this game for a while with particular effort from the end of last year, and a wonderful artist is creating card artwork, backgrounds and assets as I do the coding!

The Tactical game

Battles in the game take place as tactical turn-based combat on a "table", with armies on opposing sides. Armies have a combat deck (the cards which are fighting in the battle), may have reserves (additional combat cards which can be called in to the combat deck at the beginning of each turn if space is available), and may have spell cards (which can be played at the beginning of turns depending on available Mana).

Armies have a limited number of Action Points and Mana available to them, and these determine the actions that can be played with each card. Cards may also be limited on the actions they can play depending on buffs, the tile types the armies are on in combat, or other causes.
The Strategic game
The Strategic side of this game takes placed on randomly generated maps, and involves turn-based city development and conquest to obtain victory. Players can establish and control an army for each city they control, and purchase cards for the army by placing their army on a city they control. The cards they'll be able to purchase will depend on the cities size, and the opinion of the race who owns the city.
Cities can have modifer cards purchased to improve and modify certain features of themselves or the armies established or based within them, and any tiles they control can have tile modifiers purchased to improve income or other aspects of the city.
The current state of the game
The game is currently under development but is already playable. It's developed in Java and has low system requirements, providing the system has up to date Java and supports OpenGL 2+ it should run the game!
We're planning to keep up with development, expand the available cards, etc, but we're first working to build some community interest and garner some attention!

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