Completing the Game

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10 comments, last by Oria inc 22 years, 5 months ago
When you have all the other files finished(the charactors and the levels) how do you complete the game and actually make it playable? Oria-inc. coming soon to provide your gaming needs!
Oria-inc. coming soon to provide your gaming needs!
You have to program it. PowerRender isn''t really a game that you can just plug your stuff into, you have to create the game yourself. If you are making a first person shooter, check out the simpleland and playground examples, they are good stepping-stones. If you are making another type of game you are going to have to basically program it from scratch (although you can use PowerRender''s "high level" things to help with level and character management).

Thats the best question ive seen on this forum yet : )
Well im making a first person game but its not shooter, its more of a EQ game, and on the subject of C++ I was born yesterday. So for anyone who knows about that stuff can you maybe send me a few tutorials that would be awesome, for anyone that already has an EQ like game maybe you could send me a few example files?

Oria-inc. coming soon to provide your gaming needs!
Oria-inc. coming soon to provide your gaming needs!
Well, I have to admit that I don''t know what an EQ game is.

If you are in school, take a class. I think the best way to learn C++ is to take an intro course in either high school or college. You''ll learn how to structure a program and how to do simple loops, etc. Don''t expect that to be enough though. I have taken 4 years of C++ classes and I still get stuck a lot.

As for tutorials, someone else will have to fill you in with that.

EQ == EverQuest.

He wants to make a first person 3D MMORPG, basically.

neonstar entertainment
--david@neonstar.netneonstar entertainment
EQ game is EverQuest the most popular medieval game out, its like a first person but all the weapons are medieval stuff like swords and bows and halberds and things. you have to pay monthly to pay but its worth it, Dark Ages of Camelot is basically a remake of EQ.

Oria-inc. coming soon to provide your gaming needs!
Oria-inc. coming soon to provide your gaming needs!
EQ game is EverQuest the most popular medieval game out, its like a first person but all the weapons are medieval stuff like swords and bows and halberds and things. you have to pay monthly to pay but its worth it, Dark Ages of Camelot is basically a remake of EQ.

Oria-inc. coming soon to provide your gaming needs!
Oria-inc. coming soon to provide your gaming needs!
If you want any C/C++ basic and coming on to advanced tutorials, go to You will be able to learn basic loops and many other things to do with C/C++.

I think the site is still there anyway.
I have checked that site out before and it wasnt all that good, atleast thats what I thought, besides I wouldnt really know if it was good or not, I am a 100% true beginner so I will have to start with books, prolly the "''subject'' for dummies" books

Oria-inc. coming soon to provide your gaming needs!
Oria-inc. coming soon to provide your gaming needs!

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