hello! just joined.

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11 comments, last by Glass_Knife 9 years ago

Hello everyone, as the title implies, I just recently found out about this page and joined. I'm really interested in getting into game development and have a reasonable understanding of C# and Java but I don't know how or where to start. Should I be using Unity to make a game or try to build a game completely from scratch? I know I need to start somewhere simple, like pong, but I don't know where exactly to begin. Any help will be great. thanks smile.png


Welcome to the site smile.png

Check out the FAQ as it is a good starting point for newcomers on the site. Also utilize the search to see the feedback given to others that have posted similar questions. The replies to those question should help to give you more understanding and options to choose from.

As for whether you 'should' be using a tool or making it from scratch, there is no right or wrong answer. If you are more interested in making games tools will definitely help as most of the grunt work is done already. If you are more interested in learning how those tools function, going your own route will help you better understand how things work under the hood. Regardless of what you choose each choice still requires some time and dedication to see any results.

Once you make a choice don't feel like you can only make games that way. You can always change your mind later on as you see fit smile.png

Thank you AnnaMarie and I am more interested in "how those tools function". I feel that will help me in the long run as I try to get into the game development field. I would also like to apologize for the redundant post that I'm sure comes up often in the beginner forums.

No worries at all smile.png

Since you said you had a reasonable understanding about C# Monogame should help you get up and running quickly. While not a game engine itself, it provides some decent infrastructure to build games with. There are numerous tutorials lying around on the internet that can be found using your favorite search engine. As Monogame was designed to be a drop in replacement for the now deprecated Xna framework usually tutorials for Xna will work in Monogame with some tweaking.

There are other options for C# which can be found online as well. These vary from full engines to just a simple graphics wrapper - leaving more or less work for you to do on your own. After gaining experience with a few small games you should have a better idea regarding how to best move forward.

Just make sure to keep things simple at first cool.png

Here's a link to get you started with MonoGame tutorials.



And just to hammer the point home that XNA tutorials are good for MonoGame as well, I included some XNA links too.




EckTech Games - Games and Unity Assets I'm working on
Still Flying - My GameDev journal
The Shilwulf Dynasty - Campaign notes for my Rogue Trader RPG

Thank you Eck. I really want all the help I can get. For too long I've been too afraid to ask for help from others to get me started down this path.

Thank you Eck. I really want all the help I can get. For too long I've been too afraid to ask for help from others to get me started down this path.

Asking for help is a sign of intelligence, not weakness.

I think, therefore I am. I think? - "George Carlin"
My Website: Indie Game Programming

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/indieprogram

My Book: http://amzn.com/1305076532

Im always looking for devs to mentor with my open source educational toolkit (SimpleScene).

If you want to get your hands dirty learning some bits, hit me up. Davidj at gmail

DaveSF noted. I'll let you know. right now I'm tinkering a little bit with Unity :)


Experience in coding you already have. You should start making a few simple games using a game engine. Unity was designed with good C# support and also has a very active C# community. Java is viable for game development in general if you prefer it.

By all means, take a look at other development frameworks:

List of Game Engines


This is only a partial list, but it will get you started.

Please read my signature for the philosophy of long term game development success.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

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