Buttons and games

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0 comments, last by lordjarl 22 years, 5 months ago
Howdy, my question is about buttons and other such controls in games. My query is that are buttons (like the ones featured on diablo 2''s mainmenu and baldur''s gate) based on a whole new class or are they derived from a standard windows object class such as Cbutton, can anyone point me in the direction of some sample code or explaination, because up until now i have been writing my own classes however they do not deliever the professional fell of the buttons in these gui''s. If this is so for buttons am am presuming the things such as textfields are all bound by the same rules. Assitance would be greatly Appreciated, thanks lordjarl
You could override the MFC if you were so inclined, but I think a lot of games probably use their own button functions for a) cleanliness/compatability with their other custom UI code b) more control and c) simplicity. And perhaps d) to avoid windows messaging.

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