How to hide the line stroke across a quad?

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1 comment, last by ongamex92 8 years, 4 months ago

I know that D3D9 can't render quads directly,
How can I hide the center stroke when simulating a quad using triangle strips?

You could draw the quad edges as lines.

If you want opaque quads with this technique, you can fill the depth buffer first using the triangle mesh, and then draw the lines by using z comparison function "less or equal".

Niko Suni

You can't do it with a single switch, you have to implement it yourself unfortunatley.

I never wrote one before, you try some z-buffer postprocessing if you are fine with Silhouette lines only.

Another thing is to preprocess the mesh and add an additional vertex chennel that marks the "inner vertices"(verts. that are used for inner edges edges).

Don't know other solutions..

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