Basic matrix question

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12 comments, last by duckflock 8 years, 2 months ago

It's definately worth demystifying further. I suggest you use one of the first chapters of the frank d Luna d3d11 book, this covers all the basics and some usefull exercises.
Also note that in theory there can be a difference on row major vs column major (depending on the API and or settings/ HLSL usage)

Hehe - that was the first book I picked up this afternoon. I have all of his books. I admit I was guilty of glossing over the math section at the start, in the past, to get into the 'cool stuff'. Now older (nearly 41 - geez where did that time go?) and wiser I am returning to get a better understanding of all of the math behind it. The journey has been great so far, it has actually cleared up a lot of things.

@DuckFlock - thanks for the extensive write up too. I'll be reading through that in the morning (bed time now).

Thanks again for your help guys :)

Alright, let's go on. We have learned about vectors and matrices and basic operations between them. We have seen that we can write a system of linear equations (no higher powers of variables, no multiplication of variables) as a single matrix*vector = vector equation:

A * u = b

For this equation to make sense, A, u and b must fulfill some constraints on their dimensions. To recall, we have seen that we can only multiply a matrix in Rmxn with a vector in Rn. There is a simple rule to check this: Write out the dimensions in order, like this:

m x n * n = m x n * n x 1 = m x (n * n) x 1 = m x 1 = m

You check that the inner parts (the "touching" parts) have the same dimension and remove them. This works for larger multiplications, too:

m x n * n x k * k x 1 = m x (n * n) x (k * k) x 1 = m x 1 = m

Note that we can skip the x1 part -- in some sense a vector in Rn is nothing more than a matrix of dimension nx1, i.e. in Rnx1. This is useful for reasoning, about dimensions. If you don't get the x1 part right now, don't worry about it -- the next section expands on the concepts behind this.

In fact, at this point it is useful to make a clearer distinction between row and column vectors.

Row vs column vectors

Right now you may ask "what is the difference between row vs column vectors anyways?" Rejoice, we will look at that right now! First and foremost, a warning though: We are talking about math, not programming. Don't confuse this discussion with row-major vs column-major, which defines the matrix element order in computer memory. It has nothing to do with how we write matrices in math. When talking about mathematics we always write matrices in the way I have introduced them. Storing matrices in computers is an implementation detail that often gets mixed in with the concept of row and column vectors, but has nothing to do with it.

That being said, what are row and column vectors? To recall; a column vector is written as such:

    | v_1 |
v = | v_2 |
    | v_3 |

A row vector looks like this:

u = | u_1  u_2  u_3 |

It is not hard to see that they describe the same concept; both of these vectors are a list of 3 numbers and nothing more. Now that we know about matrices (which are generalizations of vectors), there is a general context we can embed row and column vectors in.

As I have already mentioned we can interpret vectors as special matrices; a column vector is simply a matrix with one column, while a row vector is a matrix with only one row. In mathematical terms, we can interpret the column vector v given above as a matrix in R3x1 -- it has 3 rows of 1 column each. In the same way we can interpret the row vector u as a matrix in R1x3 -- one row, three columns.

Notice that there is a consequence to using row vectors instead of column vectors, though: The whole notation switches around! In fact, it does not make sense, given a matrix and row vector

    | b_11 b_12 |
B = | b_21 b_22 |, u = | x y |

to compute the product B * u. Why is that? Just check with the rule given above: B lives in R2x2, u lives in R1x2, not in R2, because it is a row vector!

Check the rule for B * u : R2x2 . R1x2 -> 2x2 * 1x2. This does not work, because the inner dimensions do not agree! B * u makes no sense.

On the other hand, we can now look at u * B:

                  | b_11 b_12 |
u * B = | x y | * | b_21 b_22 | = | x*b_11 + y*b_21   x * b_12 + y * b_22 |

Consider that for a vector equation to hold all entries on both sides must be equal. By now you should at least have a guess how to write our trusty old equation system from way above,

2*x + y = 4
  x + y = 3

as a product of an equation with row vector times matrix: we want to find

u * B = | 2*x + y  x + y | = | 4  3 |

I will leave that as an exercise.

Let's stop talking about row and column vectors for now. There is a distinction and it is relevant with respect to multiplication order.

You may ask yourself right now "What else is there to it? I can write systems as Matrix * column_vector = column_vector and as row_vector * Matrix = row_vector. They both describe the same math!". You're absolutely, positively correct. There are two ways to describe the same mathematical operations and obtain the same results. There are two conventions and both are equally valid. Which one do we use? Unfortunately, Microsoft chose, despite all better knowledge, the "wrong" one. This, paired with memory layout issues, leads to the excellent row/column major vs row/column vector confusion.

The canonical way to write vecotr/matrix math is to use column vectors. It makes working with systems of equations way easier in terms of notation and it is the status quo in mathematics. At the end of the day you can easily switch between both notations, but I will keep using the canonical notation -- and you should, too. Noone will prevent you from using row vectors for your calculations, but you will get funny looks (I'm looking at you, Microsoft!).

Ok, so how do I solve a system of equations?

Recall our system of equations in matrix-vector form:

              | 2 1 |   | x |   | 4 |
A * u = b <=> | 1 1 | * | y | = | 3 |

Formally, we want to find the vector u that solves this equation. There is a handy concept that helps us: inversion.

This is a core concept to many problems in math: Finding inverse objects. What is an inverse? Let's first look at multiplication in the real numbers. The inverse of a number a (which can't be 0), is the number that, multiplied by a gives the value 1 -- let's call that number b for now. In equations:

given a, find b such that: a * b = b * a = 1

Well, the unique solution is of course 1/a. We say that 1/a is the inverse of a. A similar concept exists for matrices.

Here I will only talk about the inverse of an invertible square matrix in Rdxd -- notice that both dimensions must agree. There are more general concepts for non-square matrices that are of no interest for us. We define the inverse B of a matrix A in the same way as in the case of real numbers:

A * B = B * A = Id,

where Id is shorthand for the identity matrix (the matrix with 1 on the diagonal entries and 0 in everything else). Similarly to vectors, this equation is satisfied if it is satisfied in every single component of the matrices on both sides. If B satisfies both equations, we call B the inverse of A and write B=A-1. We can interpret the inverse as the action that negates the effect of A:

                        | 1 0 |   | x |   | x |
A^-1 * A * u = Id * u = | 0 1 | * | y | = | y | = u.

Note that I have written an "if" in the above. Not every matrix has an inverse. This is related to the advanced concept of rank and the determinant of a matrix and I won't go into detail here. All matrices we're usually working with in 3D graphics will be invertible, so you can ignore this in the beginning.

Now, there is formally rather easy way to solve systems of equations: We can manipulate vector equations in the same way we can manipulate normal equations, but order of operations is important here -- if we multiply something from the left, we have to multiply it from the left on both sides. Look at the following transformation of our system, and I hope you can follow it right now:

             A * u = b         | A^-1 * (multiply A^-1 from the left)
<=>  A^-1 * A  * u = A^-1 * b   
<=> (A^-1 * A) * u = A^-1 * b  | A^-1 * A = Id by definition
<=>     Id     * u = A^-1 * b  | Id * u = u (see above)
<=>              u = A^-1 * b

There you have it. To compute the solution u, we simply have to invert A and compute A-1 * b! There are tons of algorithms (something that can be implemented in a computer!) to calculate the inverse of A. You can do it by hand too -- Gaussian elimination is taught in many higher level courses and can be done by hand. The concrete way to calculate the inverse of a square matrix is not of too much interest right now - you can certainly follow if you know that inverse(A) * A gives you the identity matrix.

Ok, so why would I use matrices and vectors?

A good question! Mainly, convenience. Instead of keeping track of individual equations we can easily keep track of a whole system of equations with a matrix and a vector for the right hand side. In fact, the most striking advantage is that there are several algorithms to solve systems of linear equations, which makes matrix math very well suited for computer use. I won't go into detail on this here, but I'll give you some keywords if you want to look into this: Gaussian elimination, LU decomposition, Cholesky decomposition, ... There are even iterative algorithms to compute solutions! Computers are really good at solving systems of equations and that is what we're using them for in applications of math most of the time.

This time I had to go into some technical details -- don't worry if you don't understand everything. You should know what an inverse matrix is and understand that there are some slight notational differences between row and column vectors, which is not related to this row major/column major stuff at all.

Again I'm out of time! Next time I want to talk about the nitty gritty details of 3d math - the stuff we're interested in. I will introduce some different classes of transformations and talk about their actions on vectors. Then I will finally tell you why we're using these 4-dimensional "affine" matrix transformations. Hopefully most of the things should click by then.

(unfortunately latex isn't working here, so this will have to do)

The forum does have some latex support with $$ markers:

a 1x4 matrix:
$$\begin{bmatrix} Vx & Vy & Vz & 1 \end{bmatrix}$$
or a 4x1 matrix:
$$\begin{bmatrix} Vx\\ Vy\\ Vz\\ 1 \end{bmatrix}$$

a 1x4 matrix:
$$\begin{bmatrix} Vx & Vy & Vz & 1 \end{bmatrix}$$
or a 4x1 matrix:
$$\begin{bmatrix} Vx\\ Vy\\ Vz\\ 1 \end{bmatrix}$$

Whoops...I've found the eqn tags, but they produced nothing in the preview window. I simply assumed it didn't work.

Let me try:

$$\begin{bmatrix} Vx & Vy & Vz & 1 \end{bmatrix}$$

Edit: Nope, I can't get it to work unsure.png. Is there something I'm missing?

Edit2: Now it's working...huh.png

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