non-game programming question...

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2 comments, last by Drakonite 22 years, 5 months ago
Yes, i know this is a game site... and no, this question is not about games... I''m asking you people because it seems that someone here has done everthing atleast once and can say how they did.... The teacher that supervises me during my independent-study at school in which I work on game programming (sorry.. that''s as close as it gets to games ) has been asking me about some powerpoint add-ons, specifically, some transitions. They are outrageously expensive, and the effects are things I could easily program given a screen shot of what the slide before and after looks like. I did a search on programming add-ons for PowerPoint (Office 2000 to be specific) but no matter what I''ve tried I''ve found nothing. This is sort of odd, because in my experience, M$ has released detailed sdk for anything and everything they got, but not powerpoint. Does anybody here have any information on how to write add-ins, and specifically new transistions, for Microsoft Powerpoint 2000? thanks. --Drakonite
Shoot Pixels Not People
Don''t have specifics for PowerPoint but check wotsits there might be something there regarding the ppt format. If not or if there''s only a partial description - then make a simple ppt that you know the content of and then open it in a hex editor and reverse engineer the format for yourself. It''s highly likely that ppt''s have a simliar format to bitmaps or windows meta files - and if there''s any compression its most likely generated through the LZ dll''s - just like cab files. Another investigative course is to open up power point in dependency walker to take a look at which dll''s are statically linked. That won''t tell you much about any dll''s that might be loaded at runtime - but it''s a start. Along these same lines, opening powerpoint up in a hex editor might reveal the names of those dynamically linked libraries. If not a hex editor than a program that extracts strings from exe''s - there''s a free one at - a bit easier to find that kind of tool there than searching a shareware site. Once you have an idea of how ppt''s are built then you''ll also have an idea on how to manipulate the data. Then you''ll need to figure out how to build an addin interface - most likely a COM interface - check the headers in the psdk too. It''s highly likely that a powerpoint add in is simliar to an add in for outlook or one of the other office progs. And don''t forget there are a ton of microsoft newsgroups - google can search those too - it''s helped me out plenty of times. Best of luck.

Powerpoint supports the embedding of ActiveX controls, so as long as you can develop an ActiveX control (e.g. in C++ or VB), that might be one way do it.
Alternatively, you could embed the Flash ActiveX control into the Powerpoint presentation, to make use of Flash effects.
thanks. I think I''m going to look into the activex control thing.

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