Laptop and desktop shows different results.

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16 comments, last by ankhd 8 years, 2 months ago

So I have my engine. I tried to debug it in my desktop, everything seemed alright, text, sprite and objects were drawing. But then I tried to do same on my laptop, for some kind of reason, I can't see sprites and text anymore(everything is alright with objects). What should be my problem?


So I have my engine. I tried to debug it in my desktop, everything seemed alright, text, sprite and objects were drawing. But then I tried to do same on my laptop, for some kind of reason, I can't see sprites and text anymore(everything is alright with objects). What should be my problem?

You made your own engine (I think?), it's pretty much impossible for us to guesstimate what's wrong unless you post some code.

So I have my engine. I tried to debug it in my desktop, everything seemed alright, text, sprite and objects were drawing. But then I tried to do same on my laptop, for some kind of reason, I can't see sprites and text anymore(everything is alright with objects). What should be my problem?

You made your own engine (I think?), it's pretty much impossible for us to guesstimate what's wrong unless you post some code.

I want you to guys answer what could go wrong when I change computers. What I can check in graphics debugger and others... I'm not asking you to say exactly how to fix it or what my problem is.

Anything could go wrong. We're not going to enumerate every possibility for you. For the third, and last, time I'm going to tell you: debug the problem yourself.

That means pick a place in your code where you expect the state of the program and rendering to be a certain way, such as right before your submit the sprite for drawing. Verify all your assumptions there are correct (is everything initialized, does it contain the values you expect it to contain, have there been any GL errors, et cetera). If everything looks good, move earlier in the program by a significant chunk. It's like a binary search: when you find a place that is correct, move forward a bit. If you find something wrong, move back. Try to find the first place something goes wrong.

It helps if you're aggressively tracking your OpenGL errors after every call, as it's very likely for GL stuff to break between machines depending on relative capabilities and the features you're using.

Are you doing error-checking? Possibly something failed and you haven't checked for it..


It's GPU drivers so it could be cosmic rays, phases of the moon, buggy drivers, your code being bad, whether or not you sacrificed enough chickens to the GPU gods, literally anything.

At a guess, moving between a laptop and a desktop typically means moving between an integrated Intel GPU and a discrete NV or AMD GPU. So right off the bat you've got different hardware capabilities, and one of those differences is the cause of your problems.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

Give us more details? What rendering APIs do you use. What is the API version on the desktop and on the laptop? Are you sure that there aren't missing resources or wrong paths?

I'm pretty sure that the OP is using Direct3D 9 and the ID3DXSprite and ID3DXFont interfaces for drawing sprites and fonts, respectively. Which would be why these items in particular are not working.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.

I'm pretty sure that the OP is using Direct3D 9 and the ID3DXSprite and ID3DXFont interfaces for drawing sprites and fonts, respectively.

first place to look would probably be startup resolution. if it selects rez based on HW caps, the rez may change between PC and laptop. if the sprites and fonts dont use device independent code (and dx9 sprite and font APIs are not D.I. code), stuff ends up in the wrong place.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


So I have my engine. I tried to debug it in my desktop, everything seemed alright, text, sprite and objects were drawing. But then I tried to do same on my laptop, for some kind of reason, I can't see sprites and text anymore(everything is alright with objects). What should be my problem?

Honestly there's too many things that could be the issue and you've given us nothing to work with.

My suggestion is that you keep at it and use your brain to solve the problem. Start at the beginning and work your way from there. Simplify the problem and eliminate variables from the equation. Step through the code from beginning to end, making sure everything is initialized properly, that the input data is valid, that everything works as expected. Step through line by line looking at all the variables in the watch window. Etc.

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