mode 13h in MSVC++ 6.0 need Help

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10 comments, last by Nironics 22 years, 6 months ago
Black Marq: It has nothing to do with "Microsoft''s C++". No sane operating system designer would give application developers direct access to input and output ports.

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quote:Original post by Black Marq
Hello Nironics,

I''ve also had problem also using MS Visual C++ 6.0 for inline
assembly, but my problem occurs when I try to use the ins/outs
port calls(haven''t try changing video modes yet). I think
Microsoft has put preventative measure in they''re C++ to keep
you from messing with the hardware directly even with inline
assembly. I''m also using window 2000 pro, so that might be a
problem but not likely since video mode calls are made by the
BIOS not the Operating System.

I suggest you use an assembler program like Microsoft MASM 6 or
borland TASM 5. Or you could use Borland C++ I know inline
assembly work fine with that compiler.

The reason M$ doesn''t want you to play directly with the memory is that you might mess with some Video Mem that windows uses...

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