Borland has ruined my life

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7 comments, last by nuke_bot 22 years, 5 months ago
I am basically an expert in VB but now I started out with C++. The mistake I made was going with Borland and not Visual C++. I want to convert functions from my VB game into a dll so to speed up the game by a couple of fps. This however is quite impossible in borland. I don''t know why but I get the error "[function name] entry point not found in [dll name]" This absolutely sux as I went through everything possible (all help + forums I could find). I am using "extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)..." but this doesn''t work either. I am at the point where I destroy everything that is Borland, I will uninstall it in a couple of days unless someone can help me. here is one function float __stdcall UPDATE_X(float x, float speed, float elaps, float mov){ return (x - (speed * elaps) * mov) } I want this in a dll, which I did but it can''t be called out. If anybody can make me a basic dll where this can be called out from VB then please e-mail me at "". Please do make sure it is in Borland, and that you include the source(I will never be able to learn if this isn''t included) Thanx, I am, 1 error/warning away from destroying everything that is borland in my house + every where else I see it.
Sorry i''m just another VC user and can''t help you. However I think you shouldn''t blame Borland for your problem, since you''re obviously doing something wrong. Just take a close look at your docs, especially how to create dll''s cause that''s surely where the solution of your problem is

sorry for not helping

------------------------------Don''t fuck with da jesus
I don''t know what version of C++ Builder you''re using, but this seems to think that it comes with a wizard for making dlls.

It looks to be a complete guide to getting started with a DLL (I don''t use C++ Builder, so I can''t say for sure.)

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Well, I haven''t used C++ Builder, but I have used Delphi.Go to c++ builder''s help. I am sure it has a small tutorial inside fro writing DLLs (Delphi has, so c++ builder must have it too).

If this doesn''t help, then i am sure that your problem is in the calling convention of the function you have written. Again, go to c++ builder''s help and check all the function calling conventions available there. Compare them with the calling convention of VB functions and choose the correct calling convention for your functions in C++ Builder.
I have a full book on C++ (it came with Borland) called C++ in 21 days. I have gone through that book, the C++ help files, internet forums and everything else I can think off. Now it is time to burn the Borland CD.
I don''t know anything about Borland C, but I got your function working in a Visual C++ DLL project:

In .C file:

float __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall UPDATE_X(float x, float speed, float elaps, float mov)
return (x - (speed * elaps) * mov);

In VB file:

Declare Function UPDATE_X Lib "testdllname.dll" Alias "_UPDATE_X@16" (ByVal x As Single, ByVal speed As Single, ByVal elaps As Single, ByVal mov As Single) As Single


Debug.Print UPDATE_X(20.5, 10.3, 3.5, 2.5)

The important thing is to work out what the function name will end up as in the DLL for your VB Declare statement, for more information on this do a google search for: DLL Name mangling C VB.

The name mangling that takes place on your function is:
1. prefixed with _
2. suffixed with @
3. further suffixed with the total number of bytes of the sizeofs the function parameters (i.e. 4 floats = 4 x 4bytes = 16)

Saying that, for your simple function I wouldn''t expect a big performance gain over VB, it may even be slower due to DLL calling overhead.

It doesn''t work for me, e-mail me the source to the dll, the vb and the compiled versions thanx.

e-mail at ""
OK, I''ve sent you a mail with an Visual C++ example in which I''ve put your function in a C file.

If you''re still having problems it may be because you are using a C++ file rather than C file, which has different name mangling, or some other Borland related DLL making issue, in which case I would recommend finding and checking out the Borland newsgroups.
Making a dll in C++ that can be used in VB can be somewhat involved.

First make a dll in BCB that can be used with BCB. Once you know how to do that, add the additional issue of linking to it with VB.

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