Colored Quads

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3 comments, last by khawk 7 years, 5 months ago

Hi All

I realize OpenGL draws a quad as 2 triangles with barycentric interpolation for each one. But it looks "not symmetric" (attach), that confuses users and produces unneeded questions. Is there a way to change this, or it's unavoidable?

Thank you


Simply draw the quad by yourself and determine the color values set for each triangle or use a shader is the best bet for doing this

Turn your quads into triangles, this might help.

In OpenGL, values (i.e. colours) are interpolated across triangles between the vertex and fragment shader regardless if you want it to do that or not. Am I guessing you are drawing the colour per vertex rather than per pixel?

i can only reply to this topic, rest disables scrollbars i cant even write a messagae to anyone of the staff so the crap crap i cant write anywhere maybe its a bug with opera but it doesnt throw any uipgrades i cant even scroll for to post any message so i took this chance please report this to any staff

i can only reply to this topic, rest disables scrollbars i cant even write a messagae to anyone of the staff so the crap crap i cant write anywhere maybe its a bug with opera but it doesnt throw any uipgrades i cant even scroll for to post any message so i took this chance please report this to any staff

Going to be a little bit before this can be fixed, but consider the problem noted. And maybe try another browser. :)

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