Color Picker should show color in sRGB or Linear space ?

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1 comment, last by Matias Goldberg 7 years, 1 month ago

Color picker in an editor should show color in sRGB or Linear Space to be correct ?
The property should show the sRGB color since the rendering is in sRGB so is it correct to also show color in sRGB in the color picker ?
The color picker should output sRGB color ?

If you are implementing a color picker, don't perform any conversions.
Output the raw RGB value.

The monitor will apply its own gamma curve and the artist will select colors based on the final result. This will be a value in sRGB space, which you would convert to linear for shader operations.
At the end of your render you convert back from linear to sRGB, and if nothing special was done with the color the artist chose then this will undo the conversion to linear you made and result in the same color the artist chose—the correct color.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

Although I agree with L. Spiro, Blender has a toggle that allows you to switch between them (and converts the numbers being displayed); which is very convenient for us programmers when we need a value in linear space (such as for example the clear colour to pass to glClearColor).

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