Learning OpenGL or OpenGL ES for the first time

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-1 comments, last by Jack Durden 7 years ago

Hello fellas!

I have recently joined this community and this is my first topic.

I am an undergraduate Computer Science student. I've been programming with Unity for more than 2 years and have an advanced knowledge of it. I've made several games and now I am trying to make an Arcade Shooter-type game for Android, in preparation for my BSc thesis. Additionally, I want to make a similar one using another engine/technology in order to compare it with the other one (again, for my BSc thesis).

And my problem is.. what type of technology is best to learn first? OpenGL (mainly LWJGL) or OpenGL ES targeting for Android devices?
-First, I was thinking of going full OpenGL ES & Android with the expectation to learn the Android environment for future cases. But after that, I was curious weather it will be best to make the second game using OpenGL/LWJGL.

---> All of these add up to weather OpenGL ES on Android is a good starter to learn OpenGL and get enough knowledge about how game engines work for my future career as a game programmer while working at the same time on my BSc thesis or not.(???)

*I am aware that OpenGL ES has some less features but is it still worth trying and will it help me learn OpenGL in the future?
Thank you!

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