DS coding beginner site request

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2 comments, last by frob 6 years, 6 months ago
  As you can see from the screenshots I uploaded, I used to be a computer video game programmer. I was going to the University of Wyoming and the future was looking bright. However, on 9-11-04 I was in a car accident that was entirely my fault! It happened at 4 A.M. when I saw that the car I was in was headed for a wreck. In a mindless effect of the adrenaline rush, I tried to play hero and threw off my seatbelt then tried to grab the steering wheel to correct where we were headed. I failed. The result of the failure was I was ejected through the windshield 35 feet then run over with both sets of wheels. I'm only telling you what I've been told. I wasn't there. I do know that it's an act of God that still have the ability to draw breath. Of course, my memory loss regarding the accident is because of the accident.
    Anyway, what's in the past is in the past and they haven't invented the technology to change the past yet. I'm looking to code a sequel/remake of Force Disruptor. Here are my only remains of Force Disruptor:

attachThumb104741  attachThumb104742  attachThumb104743

    I am in need of guidance. I have already purchased a R4 SDHC 3ds DSi card (www.r4isdhc.com), and I'm looking for guidance programming the game. I suppose I can go to www.r4isdhc.com for guidance uploading the ROM, but first I'd like to program the ROM first.

   Currently, I'd like to program it for 3DS. That's why I posted here. Suggestions are welcome if you disagree with my platform selection, but my heart is currently set on the 3DS. This post is requesting links for re-programming the game.






Found this just by googling, looks nice: https://patater.com/files/projects/manual/manual.html

They talk about a 'Pass Through' device, but i assume your flashcard already has the necessary functionality. (Hopefully - not sure)

There is also a link to required software. Probably compiler with libraries needs to operated from a Unix like shell (I know this from Native Android and Symbian OS development. I was able to deal with this stuff without a clue about Unix kind if OS). Guess it takes at least some frustrating days until you get your first Hello World app to run.

But after that it boils down to edit code in your favorite editor, click on a bat file, copy to device or run in emulator. Good luck!

9 hours ago, Brian.Washechek said:

 I'd like to program the ROM first. ... Currently, I'd like to program it for 3DS.

Programming homebrew for the console is quite a different task than programming on a PC.

For PC there are many fully-supported tool chains with wide community support.

For homebrew on the console you've got unofficial tools, a small community of experts, sites that are at risk of vanishing for legal reasons, and tools that may or may not be legal. 


My recommendation before you go to the homebrew console development, first work to get back to those skill levels on the PC.  Once you are able to make that style of game again, go get the homebrew development tools and read all the documentation they've got. There is very little handholding and the devices are rather complex. You'll probably want to develop first using an emulator and the homebrew tools, and then learn how to develop the stuff on the more forgiving system of emulators.  Once you can build your first roms that work on the emulator, then figure out how to transfer them to an actual device.

In many ways it is easier to get a job at a game studio that is working on 3DS games, that way you get all the high-quality tools, a proper support team, people who can answer questions, and do it all without the legal risks that Nintendo will shut you down.

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