Continuous GJK for Linear Translations

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17 comments, last by DrDeath3191 5 years, 5 months ago

Hello everyone,

Recently I have been revisiting my collision detection code. I was using axis-aligned bounding boxes before, which made continuous collision detection rather simple (If you're curious as to how I did that, here's a link to the article I read). However, I will have need to support different orientations and perhaps other shapes, so I clearly need to change what I am doing. I implemented the 'bastardized' version of the GJK algorithm the other day (article I based my implementation on); it's serving me quite well for discrete collisions. However, I need to be able to find the time of intersection for moving objects. The general theory should be the same as the link I included above for the AABB case; I want to perform a ray-cast against the Configuration Space Object of the two shapes of interest. I looked into the matter and found this paper. I found it entirely incomprehensible, and looked for further information, and I found this presentation made by the same man. It helped minimally.

So I suppose I'm looking for a simpler explanation as to the differences between the discrete and continuous case, or perhaps even an example implementation of the ray-casting GJK algorithm. I know that I need to clip the vector representing my relative velocity and move the origin by the function mentioned in the slides (Slide 43-46), but when precisely do I do that? He mentions using the support planes as clipping planes; if he means the simplex, does that mean I only perform the clipping function when the simplex is a tetrahedron, as it is the only time the simplex would have such planes? Does he even mean the simplex in that regard? How would I calculate the v vector in the first place?

I just find these explanations rather confusing, and unfortunately I have yet to find other options to help. Most articles about GJK focus on the discrete case, and the only information I found on ray-casting I have already included here. This topic seems complicated, so it is very likely I will have followup questions.

Thank you for your assistance and patience.


I think the algorithm you are looking for is Conservative Advancement (CA). The original idea is from B. Mirtich (afaik) and you can find it in his PhD here (p.31ff):

Basically you compute the closest points between two convex objects. These closest points define a separating plane and it is safe to approach till the distance to that plane becomes zero, You then compute new closest points and repeat. As you can see this algorithm relies on computing closest points which is where the *original* GJK comes into play. But you can use any other algorithm to determine closest points between your primitives. GJK is a common choice since it is very general. 

The paper by Gino is an optimization of CA combining the outer CA loop with inner GJK loop. I would not worry too much about this for now. The other algorithm looks like the algorithm is finding its way out of the Minkowski Difference using raycast. This is another common approach. Half-Life used this approach for box sweeps and it was invented by my colleague Jay Stelly. Gary Snethen from Crystal Dynamics later published a similar idea in GPG 6 or so which he called Minkowski Portal Refinement (MPR). E.g. see here for more information:

Finally you need a real GJK implementation. GJK computes the closest points between two *disjoint* convex shapes. The link you give above is called GJK-SAT and only tells you whether two objects overlap (no closest points and distance!). A good resource for GJK is E. Catto's GDC presentation. This is the best didactically explanation in my opinion. Erin also gave a great presentation on continuous collision detection. Both presentations can be found here:





On 10/20/2018 at 11:45 AM, Dirk Gregorius said:

I think the algorithm you are looking for is Conservative Advancement (CA).

I was afraid of that. I was under the impression that a ray-cast against the CSO would be simpler than that considering rotation would not be applied. But if I'm going to go down the full CA route anyway, I guess I might as well handle rotational stuff as well. Thank you for the resources, I'll look into it.

CA without rotations is very very easy. If you are looking for the simplest algorithm and only need linear movement this is the way to go. You can take Erin's code from above and just swap out the root finder which is trivial without rotations.

Well, I was also planning to venture into scaling objects as well; I figured with a ray-trace I could manipulate the velocity vector by the movement of the simplex's faces after scaling was applied. But seeing as the ray trace is more complicated than I thought and I have to do CA regardless, why not shoot for the stars at this point?

You will reach you goal the fastest by first implementing the linear CA algorithm, testing it, and getting it all ready to go. Then you can add in additional features with a solid baseline. This is personally how I would go about implementing this stuff.

Implemented the linear one, maybe it's a good reference:

Thank you very much, I'll look into it later.

Unfortunately I have to get the full GJK algorithm working before moving on to that. This has proven more difficult than I thought. I am using a couple of sources (including some old code of yours, Randy); I thought I had everything down correctly, but the calculated witness points are just entirely wrong most of the time. I have been bashing my head into the monitor to see where I screwed up, and I just cannot see it. This has been driving me mad for the last couple of days, so if someone could take a quick (well, as quick as your can given the code's length) glance at my code and see where I made an error, I would be quite pleased.

Thank you for all your help, I really do appreciate it.

Resource 1:

Resource 2:

My Code (Again, apologies for the length, but GJK is very wordy):

#include <array>
#include "GJKSolver.h"

struct GJKSimplexStruct {

	std::array<glm::vec3, 4> verts{ glm::vec3(0.0f) };

	std::array<size_t, 4> indicesA{ 0 };

	std::array<size_t, 4> indicesB{ 0 };

	std::array<float, 4> barycentricValues{ 1.0f };

	size_t size = 0;

	glm::vec3 witnessA;

	glm::vec3 witnessB;

	float distance = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();


GJKSolver::GJKSolver() {

GJKSimplexStruct GJKSolver::solveDistance(glm::vec3* vertsA, glm::vec3* vertsB, size_t sizeA, size_t sizeB) {
	GJKSimplexStruct simplex;
	float GJK_EPSILON = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();

	glm::vec3 searchDirection = glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	//get our first simplex point
	size_t indexA = supportIndex(searchDirection, vertsA, sizeA);
	size_t indexB = supportIndex(-searchDirection, vertsB, sizeB);
	glm::vec3 newPoint = vertsA[indexA] - vertsB[indexB];

	//add first vertex to simplex
	simplex.indicesA[simplex.size] = indexA;
	simplex.indicesB[simplex.size] = indexB;
	simplex.barycentricValues[simplex.size] = 1.0f;
	simplex.verts[simplex.size] = newPoint;

	float sqDistance = glm::dot(newPoint, newPoint);

	//16 is my arbitrary limit on the number of iterations
	for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {

		GJKSimplexStruct previousSimplex = simplex;

		//find the closest region on the simplex to the origin and remove
		//vertices that do not contribute
		switch (simplex.size) {

			case 1:
				//only one point, clearly the point itself is closest

			case 2: {

				glm::vec3 ab = simplex.verts[0] - simplex.verts[1];
				glm::vec3 ba = simplex.verts[1] - simplex.verts[0];

				float u = glm::dot(simplex.verts[1], ba);
				float v = glm::dot(simplex.verts[0], ab);

				if (v <= 0.0f) {

					//Region A
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = 1.0f;
					simplex.size = 1;


				if (u <= 0.0f) {

					//Region B
					simplex.verts[0] = simplex.verts[1];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = 1.0f;
					simplex.size = 1;


				//Region AB

				simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u;
				simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v;
				simplex.size = 2;



			case 3: {

				glm::vec3 ab = simplex.verts[0] - simplex.verts[1];
				glm::vec3 ba = simplex.verts[1] - simplex.verts[0];
				glm::vec3 bc = simplex.verts[1] - simplex.verts[2];
				glm::vec3 cb = simplex.verts[2] - simplex.verts[1];
				glm::vec3 ca = simplex.verts[2] - simplex.verts[0];
				glm::vec3 ac = simplex.verts[0] - simplex.verts[2];

				float u_ab = glm::dot(simplex.verts[1], ba);
				float v_ab = glm::dot(simplex.verts[0], ab);
				float u_bc = glm::dot(simplex.verts[2], cb);
				float v_bc = glm::dot(simplex.verts[1], bc);
				float u_ca = glm::dot(simplex.verts[0], ac);
				float v_ca = glm::dot(simplex.verts[2], ca);

				if (v_ab <= 0.0f && u_ca <= 0.0f) {

					//Region A
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = 1.0f;
					simplex.size = 1;


				if (u_ab <= 0.0f && v_bc <= 0.0f) {

					//Region B
					simplex.verts[0] = simplex.verts[1];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = 1.0f;
					simplex.size = 1;


				if (u_bc <= 0.0f && v_ca <= 0.0f) {

					//Region C
					simplex.verts[0] = simplex.verts[2];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = 1.0f;
					simplex.size = 1;


				//calculate fractional area
				glm::vec3 n = glm::cross(ba, ca);
				float u_abc = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[1], simplex.verts[2]), n);
				float v_abc = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[2], simplex.verts[0]), n);
				float w_abc = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[0], simplex.verts[1]), n);

				if (u_ab > 0.0f && v_ab > 0.0f && w_abc <= 0.0f) {

					//Region AB
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_ab;
					simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_ab;
					simplex.size = 2;


				if (u_bc > 0.0f && v_bc > 0.0f && u_abc <= 0.0f) {

					//Region BC
					simplex.verts[0] = simplex.verts[1];
					simplex.verts[1] = simplex.verts[2];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_bc;
					simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_bc;
					simplex.size = 2;


				if (u_ca > 0.0f && v_ca > 0.0f && v_abc <= 0.0f) {

					//Region CA
					simplex.verts[1] = simplex.verts[0];
					simplex.verts[0] = simplex.verts[2];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_ca;
					simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_ca;
					simplex.size = 2;


				//Region ABC

				simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_abc;
				simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_abc;
				simplex.barycentricValues[2] = w_abc;
				simplex.size = 3;


			case 4: {

				glm::vec3 ab = simplex.verts[0] - simplex.verts[1];
				glm::vec3 ba = simplex.verts[1] - simplex.verts[0];
				glm::vec3 bc = simplex.verts[1] - simplex.verts[2];
				glm::vec3 cb = simplex.verts[2] - simplex.verts[1];
				glm::vec3 ca = simplex.verts[2] - simplex.verts[0];
				glm::vec3 ac = simplex.verts[0] - simplex.verts[2];
				glm::vec3 db = simplex.verts[3] - simplex.verts[1];
				glm::vec3 bd = simplex.verts[1] - simplex.verts[3];
				glm::vec3 dc = simplex.verts[3] - simplex.verts[2];
				glm::vec3 cd = simplex.verts[2] - simplex.verts[3];
				glm::vec3 da = simplex.verts[3] - simplex.verts[0];
				glm::vec3 ad = simplex.verts[0] - simplex.verts[3];

				float u_ab = glm::dot(simplex.verts[1], ba);
				float v_ab = glm::dot(simplex.verts[0], ab);
				float u_bc = glm::dot(simplex.verts[2], cb);
				float v_bc = glm::dot(simplex.verts[1], bc);
				float u_ca = glm::dot(simplex.verts[0], ac);
				float v_ca = glm::dot(simplex.verts[2], ca);
				float u_bd = glm::dot(simplex.verts[3], db);
				float v_bd = glm::dot(simplex.verts[1], bd);
				float u_dc = glm::dot(simplex.verts[2], cd);
				float v_dc = glm::dot(simplex.verts[3], dc);
				float u_ad = glm::dot(simplex.verts[3], da);
				float v_ad = glm::dot(simplex.verts[0], ad);

				if (v_ab <= 0.0f && u_ca <= 0.0f && v_ad <= 0.0f) {

					//Region A
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = 1.0f;
					simplex.size = 1;


				if (u_ab <= 0.0f && v_bc <= 0.0f && v_bd <= 0.0f) {

					//Region B
					simplex.verts[0] = simplex.verts[1];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = 1.0f;
					simplex.size = 1;


				if (u_bc <= 0.0f && v_ca <= 0.0f && u_dc <= 0.0f) {

					//Region C
					simplex.verts[0] = simplex.verts[2];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = 1.0f;
					simplex.size = 1;


				if (u_bd <= 0.0f && v_dc <= 0.0f && u_ad <= 0.0f) {

					//Region D
					simplex.verts[0] = simplex.verts[3];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = 1.0f;
					simplex.size = 1;


				//calculate fractional area
				glm::vec3 n = glm::cross(da, ba);
				float u_adb = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[3], simplex.verts[1]), n);
				float v_adb = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[1], simplex.verts[0]), n);
				float w_adb = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[0], simplex.verts[3]), n);

				n = glm::cross(ca, da);
				float u_acd = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[2], simplex.verts[3]), n);
				float v_acd = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[3], simplex.verts[0]), n);
				float w_acd = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[0], simplex.verts[2]), n);

				n = glm::cross(bc, dc);
				float u_cbd = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[1], simplex.verts[3]), n);
				float v_cbd = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[3], simplex.verts[2]), n);
				float w_cbd = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[2], simplex.verts[1]), n);

				n = glm::cross(ba, ca);
				float u_abc = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[1], simplex.verts[2]), n);
				float v_abc = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[2], simplex.verts[0]), n);
				float w_abc = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[0], simplex.verts[1]), n);

				if (w_abc <= 0.0f && v_adb <= 0.0f && u_ab > 0.0f && v_ab > 0.0f) {

					//Region AB
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_ab;
					simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_ab;
					simplex.size = 2;


				if (u_abc <= 0.0f && w_cbd <= 0.0f && u_bc > 0.0f && v_bc > 0.0f) {

					//Region BC
					simplex.verts[0] = simplex.verts[1];
					simplex.verts[1] = simplex.verts[2];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_bc;
					simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_bc;
					simplex.size = 2;


				if (v_abc <= 0.0f && w_acd <= 0.0f && u_ca > 0.0f && v_ca > 0.0f) {

					//Region CA
					simplex.verts[1] = simplex.verts[0];
					simplex.verts[0] = simplex.verts[2];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_ca;
					simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_ca;
					simplex.size = 2;


				if (v_cbd <= 0.0f && u_acd <= 0.0f && u_dc > 0.0f && v_dc > 0.0f) {

					//Region DC
					simplex.verts[0] = simplex.verts[3];
					simplex.verts[1] = simplex.verts[2];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_dc;
					simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_dc;
					simplex.size = 2;


				if (v_acd <= 0.0f && w_adb <= 0.0f && u_ad > 0.0f && v_ad > 0.0f) {

					//Region AD
					simplex.verts[1] = simplex.verts[3];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_ad;
					simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_ad;
					simplex.size = 2;


				if (u_cbd <= 0.0f && u_adb <= 0.0f && u_bd > 0.0f && v_bd > 0.0f) {

					//Region BD
					simplex.verts[0] = simplex.verts[1];
					simplex.verts[1] = simplex.verts[3];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_bd;
					simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_bd;
					simplex.size = 2;


				//calculate fractional volume (keeping in mind some of these may
				//be negative)

				float denom = glm::dot(glm::cross(cb, ab), db);
				float volume = denom == 0.0f ? 1.0f : 1.0f / denom;

				float u_abcd = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[2], simplex.verts[3]), simplex.verts[1]) * volume;
				float v_abcd = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[2], simplex.verts[0]), simplex.verts[3]) * volume;
				float w_abcd = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[3], simplex.verts[0]), simplex.verts[1]) * volume;
				float x_abcd = glm::dot(glm::cross(simplex.verts[1], simplex.verts[0]), simplex.verts[2]) * volume;

				if (x_abcd <= 0.0f && u_abc > 0.0f && v_abc > 0.0f && w_abc > 0.0f) {

					//Region ABC
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_abc;
					simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_abc;
					simplex.barycentricValues[2] = w_abc;
					simplex.size = 3;


				if (u_abcd <= 0.0f && u_cbd > 0.0f && v_cbd > 0.0f && w_cbd > 0.0f) {

					//Region CBD
					simplex.verts[0] = simplex.verts[2];
					simplex.verts[2] = simplex.verts[3];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_cbd;
					simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_cbd;
					simplex.barycentricValues[2] = w_cbd;
					simplex.size = 3;


				if (v_abcd <= 0.0f && u_acd > 0.0f && v_acd > 0.0f && w_acd > 0.0f) {

					//Region ACD
					simplex.verts[1] = simplex.verts[2];
					simplex.verts[2] = simplex.verts[3];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_acd;
					simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_acd;
					simplex.barycentricValues[2] = w_acd;
					simplex.size = 3;


				if (w_abcd <= 0.0f && u_adb > 0.0f && v_adb > 0.0f && w_adb > 0.0f) {

					//Region ADB
					simplex.verts[2] = simplex.verts[1];
					simplex.verts[1] = simplex.verts[3];
					simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_adb;
					simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_adb;
					simplex.barycentricValues[2] = w_adb;
					simplex.size = 3;


				//Region ABCD
				simplex.barycentricValues[0] = u_abcd;
				simplex.barycentricValues[1] = v_abcd;
				simplex.barycentricValues[2] = w_abcd;
				simplex.barycentricValues[3] = x_abcd;
				simplex.size = 4;





		//if we have a tetrahedron at this point, it means it encloses the origin;
		//we have an intersection
		if (simplex.size == 4) {

		//find the closest point on our simplex to the origin
		float denom = 0.0f;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < simplex.size; i++) {
			denom += simplex.barycentricValues[i];

		denom = 1.0f / denom;
		glm::vec3 closestPoint;

		switch (simplex.size) {

		case 1:

			closestPoint = simplex.verts[0];

		case 2:

			closestPoint = simplex.verts[0] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[0])
				+ simplex.verts[1] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[1]);


		case 3:

			closestPoint = simplex.verts[0] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[0])
				+ simplex.verts[1] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[1])
				+ simplex.verts[2] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[2]);


		case 4:

			closestPoint = simplex.verts[0] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[0])
				+ simplex.verts[1] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[1])
				+ simplex.verts[2] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[2])
				+ simplex.verts[3] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[3]);



		//ensure we are actually getting closer to the origin
		float currentSqDistance = glm::dot(closestPoint, closestPoint);

		if (currentSqDistance > sqDistance) {

		sqDistance = currentSqDistance;

		//get the new search direction
		glm::vec3 searchDirection;

		switch (simplex.size) {

			case 1:

				searchDirection = -simplex.verts[0];

			case 2: {

				glm::vec3 ba = simplex.verts[0] - simplex.verts[1];
				searchDirection = glm::cross(glm::cross(ba, -simplex.verts[0]), ba);


			case 3: {

				searchDirection = glm::cross(simplex.verts[1] - simplex.verts[0],
					simplex.verts[2] - simplex.verts[0]);

				if (glm::dot(searchDirection, simplex.verts[0]) > 0) {
					searchDirection = -searchDirection;



		//is this search direction numerically fit?
		//if this condition holds, it is likely the origin is on an edge
		//or triangle of the simplex. However, it could just be REALLY
		if (glm::dot(searchDirection, searchDirection) < GJK_EPSILON * GJK_EPSILON) {

		//calculate the next tentative simplex vertex using our search direction
		size_t indexA = supportIndex(searchDirection, vertsA, sizeA);
		size_t indexB = supportIndex(-searchDirection, vertsB, sizeB);
		glm::vec3 newPoint = vertsA[indexA] - vertsB[indexB];

		//check for duplication; if we are revisiting a vertex already in
		//the simplex, then we won't be getting any closer

		bool duplicateFound = false;

		for (size_t j = 0; j < previousSimplex.size; j++) {

			if (indexA != previousSimplex.indicesA[j]) continue;
			if (indexB != previousSimplex.indicesB[j]) continue;

			duplicateFound = true;


		if (duplicateFound) {

		//add the current vertex to the simplex
		simplex.indicesA[simplex.size] = indexA;
		simplex.indicesB[simplex.size] = indexB;
		simplex.barycentricValues[simplex.size] = 1.0f;
		simplex.verts[simplex.size] = newPoint;


	//calculate witness points

	float denom = 0.0f;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < simplex.size; i++) {
		denom += simplex.barycentricValues[i];

	denom = 1.0f / denom;

	switch (simplex.size) {

	case 1:

		simplex.witnessA = vertsA[simplex.indicesA[0]];
		simplex.witnessB = vertsB[simplex.indicesB[0]];

	case 2:

		simplex.witnessA = vertsA[simplex.indicesA[0]] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[0])
			+ vertsA[simplex.indicesA[1]] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[1]);
		simplex.witnessB = vertsB[simplex.indicesB[0]] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[0])
			+ vertsB[simplex.indicesB[1]] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[1]);

	case 3:

		simplex.witnessA = vertsA[simplex.indicesA[0]] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[0])
			+ vertsA[simplex.indicesA[1]] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[1])
			+ vertsA[simplex.indicesA[2]] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[2]);
		simplex.witnessB = vertsB[simplex.indicesB[0]] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[0])
			+ vertsB[simplex.indicesB[1]] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[1])
			+ vertsB[simplex.indicesB[2]] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[2]);

	case 4:

		simplex.witnessA = vertsA[simplex.indicesA[0]] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[0])
			+ vertsA[simplex.indicesA[1]] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[1])
			+ vertsA[simplex.indicesA[2]] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[2])
			+ vertsA[simplex.indicesA[3]] * (denom * simplex.barycentricValues[3]);
		simplex.witnessB = simplex.witnessA;


	simplex.distance = glm::distance(simplex.witnessA, simplex.witnessB);

	return simplex;


size_t GJKSolver::supportIndex(glm::vec3 searchDirection, glm::vec3* verts, size_t vertexCount) {

		if (vertexCount == 0) {
			return 0;

		size_t maxIndex = 0;
		float maxProjection = glm::dot(verts[0], searchDirection);

		for (size_t i = 1; i < vertexCount; i++) {

			float currentProjection = glm::dot(verts[i], searchDirection);

			if (currentProjection > maxProjection) {

				maxProjection = currentProjection;
				maxIndex = i;



		return maxIndex;



I can maybe take a closer look tomorrow, but I can throw down some recommendations at least for now.

  • Start with the 2D case first. Use Erin's old GJK demo from GDC as your starting point. Then you can modify his code, and morph it into yours. This strategy is effective because you can use Erin's code as a baseline, and each change you make, you can be sure if you introduced bugs or not. You also get the benefit of using Erin's very good debug rendering.
  • Try to port your version, once verified working, to 3D. This is actually a straight-forward process, and assuming you've found my old code, you can see roughly what the 3D tetrahedron case can look like. Make sure you are still debug rendering, just like Erin's 2D demo. Caching all the iterations and looking at them can give you an idea of where your bugs may lie.

Erin's demo: PDF, and demo. This is how I got a decent 3D GJK implementation up and going.


When you swap around your vertices, it's probably a good idea to swap around the shape indices as well! Otherwise you risk looking and feeling incredibly stupid.

So, suffice it to say, the 2D case is working now.  Let's see if it fixes the 3D case.

EDIT: Yes it does! I am so mad at myself. Time to look at that TOI solver after I cool off.

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