Can I still make it?

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22 comments, last by BauerGL 22 years, 4 months ago
Just to add a comment, ignore end results. Focus on the process and the little immediate steps you need to make to get from here to there. It doesn''t take that long to go from absolutely "fresh" programmer to hardcore AI/graphics/physics guru; some of the top programmers (who don''t get the recognition of John Carmack or Tim Sweeny) started out as adults in QA with no experience whatsoever.

You''re way ahead of the curve.

Moderators: could we add this to the FAQ ("Am I too old/late/unskilled/whatever?")? It seems to be poppping up rather frequently.

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
Hmm, after reading these posts here, I also, feel too old at 23! But I don''t care! I enjoy programming (been doing it for past year with C) and I''m gonna continue! I don''t mind if I don''t become a world-wide known SUPER games programmer, but if I do, it''ll be cool

I love making stuff on computers (music/graphics etc) and I have found that programming enables me to add all of these into one, more complex creation!

I do this for fun and if you people find me too old, shoot me and put me outta my misery
Man, I am 26 and taking a OpenGL class at the U for a tech elective. Getting my BS in CS, and I still can''t believe how much BS you have to shovel to get your degree in some schools. I am stuck here an extra year and a half trying to hash out a minor.... they didn''t have the minor I wanted (Astronomy) because of some state legislation to get money pulled to another school in the state (lame, let em compete for students dammit). I almost wish I could drop out, but I have finished all but one of the classes in my major. Bah!

Soooooooo very very tired of school (full time) and working 30 hrs a week (to pay the bills).... Looking forward to doing one or the other.... just not both.

Anyway, you younger folk. Try not working if you can when you choose to go to college. Or if you do, you might want to take a semester off here and there to make enough money so you don''t have to work the last few semesters. Engineering classes take up more time than you can believe.

Ok, enough ranting and procrastinating... back to my particle system.
bt01011''s got a point there!

Don''t work! Takes up too much coding time!
If ya absolutely HAVE to work (Like most of us) then get a security job which basically involves doing nuffin for 12 hours, save up, get a laptop and program at work all day/night! That''s what I''ve just started doing, it''s soooo cool!
Programming for 12 hours AND getting paid for it, it''s what heaven must be like! hehe

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