How was this man able to do this?

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5 comments, last by cowsarenotevil 4 years, 8 months ago

First I have to say I don't believe in the core message of this video and won't advice anyone to waste over 1 hour 20 minutes watching it
Having said that, What do you think happened from 6:26 to 7:57 of this video clip? How was this man able to do this?
Considering that this took place in front of a live audience during the 1940s/50s (Age of audience innocence), which means there was no chance of cut scenes picture tricks with fake/paid audience



Right, either way there's no way out for me, my brain imploding is imminent

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...


From what I've looked up, self-piercing is a popular magic trick in India, and it's essentially the same process as ear piercing but done through a thicker part of the body (in other words, Mirin Dajo had pre-constructed the holes through which the rapier was going).

On a side note, the video title reminded me of this:


Is currently working on a rpg/roguelike
Dungeons Under Gannar

Well, one can suppress the pain (and in some cultures it's an exercise to overcome physical pain), but one cannot suppress the physical consequences of pierced organs or blood vessels. And apparently the guy died because of his ... hobby.

So don't do this at home ... or anywhere else.

I stay with the hobby programming. Painful 'nuff ... ?



Yes, body piercing to the extreme.  They didn't have Youtube in the 1940s, or they would have figured out he stuck the sword in the same holes all the time.

And, I think the edges of the sword was dulled, so it wouldn't break the skin of the body piercing.  If the sword came out bloody, and not dry, that would have been a problem.

And to keep those piercings open, I think he would have to sleep with pieces of metal stuck in his body, or at least keep them in during most of the day, to prevent them from closing and healing properly.


On 9/7/2019 at 6:26 PM, Lendrigan Games said:

Mirin Dajo had pre-constructed the holes through which the rapier was going


14 hours ago, sevenfold1 said:

And, I think the edges of the sword was dulled, so it wouldn't break the skin of the body piercing.  If the sword came out bloody, and not dry, that would have been a problem.

And to keep those piercings open, I think he would have to sleep with pieces of metal stuck in his body, or at least keep them in during most of the day, to prevent them from closing and healing properly.

I mean he could have died from various injuries- lung collapse, heart collapse/cardiac arrest, liver injury, internal bleeding... within hours of his first piercings. I believe sharp sword piercings is comparable to shooting bullets through the body and people die from this within hours. In fact he lived for several months - probably a few years after his first piercings. Instead Wikipedia says he died of aortic rupture incurred because he swallowed a steel needle not because of injuries due to his rapier piercings. Dare I say it seems there is more to it than meets the eye

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...

4 hours ago, grumpyOldDude said:

I believe sharp sword piercings is comparable to shooting bullets through the body and people die from this within hours. In fact he lived for several months - probably a few years after his first piercings.

I don't think that's quite a valid comparison. I think it's a bit closer to distinction between, say, sword swallowing, which is a real thing that can be done without injury (by someone who is sufficiently skilled), and just shooting yourself in the throat, which is generally considered harder to practice without injury.

The key thing that stands out to me in the video is that the sword is always inserted slowly and at fairly weird angles, and I can't imagine why you'd do it that way except to avoid directly piercing major blood vessels and organs. The fact that doing precisely that apparently did kill him (whether it was due to a sword or needle seems fairly immaterial to me) seems to further back up the claim that what he's doing on video does not involve him directly piercing his organs.

-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-

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