Moral games

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15 comments, last by GalaxyD 24 years, 3 months ago
The Sonic the hedgehog games are the most moral. Noone ever dies, including the enemies.

I can see how it is getting harder to find descent games without any gore or killing in them. I think for the most part flight simulators arent so much into swearing and gore, or nudity.

If your real desperate to play some goreless games look for games on console systems (like Ninitedo 64). There are some interesting good games (like donkey kong, super mario world, ect)

I think speeding is wrong, but if it is only in a game, go ahead.
I don''t recall any foul language in Baldur''s Gate, but I could just be forgetting.

Anyway, its a game you''ve got to love just for Minsc.

"Go for the eyes Boo!"

I have some more. Racing car games that take place on a raceway like Grand Turismo, Sega Rally and Daytona USA are moral. Super Mario Bros. Wacky Wheels by Apogee. Mega Man only destroys robots.

As for border line games that include no blood there is Monster Rancher. Zelda can be included. I don''t think any of, but atleast the original Tomb Raider was immoral.

I heard this somewhere and thought it was funny...

When the original NES was popular, Nintendo mandated (as a condition for the NES "Seal of Quality") that the instructions for games could not directly use the words "kill," "hurt," etc... that's why the manuals to most NES games never actually refer to killing (rather just "defeating your opponents"), even though most of the popular NES games dealt directly with war and/or violence.

Forgive the sales pitch: Quaternion! Completely non-violent, totally moral. And fun too.

Mason McCuskey
Spin Studios - home of Quaternion, 2000 GDC Indie Games Fest Finalist!

Edited by - mason on 1/28/00 12:42:05 PM
Founder, Cuttlefish Industries
The Cuttlefish Engine lets anyone develop great games for iPad, iPhone, Android, WP7, the web, and more!
Staffan: He was talking about Duke Nukem I and II, the sidescrollers I belive. Not Duke Nukem 3D.
EvilTech: oh oops...thanks i had forgot about the sidescrollers, i didnt like them that much anyways
so all, just ignore my previous post!

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