Volume of a model

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1 comment, last by mess 22 years, 3 months ago
Has anyone created a funciton that can calculate the volume of a object/model? Im trying to figure out a way to do this now, if anyone can give me some suggestions, thanks.
quote:Original post by mess
Has anyone created a funciton that can calculate the volume of a object/model?

Im trying to figure out a way to do this now, if anyone can give me some suggestions, thanks.

I have not done this myself, but I remember reading somewhere of a way to do it, but it only works with convex objects. You''ll need to sub-divide concave objects into convex objects to get the correct results.

Basically, you pick any point that lies inside the object. Then you create 3D "slices" of all triangles and the one point. All slices point towards the single point. Now I don''t know what the formula is for calculating the volume of this slice, but I''m sure it''s not too hard to figure out. You basically have an object with 4 sides, each which is a triangle of known size.

Maybe some of the math gurus here can give you that part of the equation. Then just add up all those results.


yep, i guess thats the only way, cool thanks, oh and if anyone finds working code that does this if u can please paste it here thanks.

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