Playing mpg or avi with delphiX

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3 comments, last by czar 22 years, 3 months ago
I need to be able to play a avi or mpg on a delphix surface. So I thought to install sxmedia and problem would be solved. However, sxmedia will not compile for me.I get a number of [Error] SXMovie.pas(256): Incompatible types: ''DirectX.IDirectDrawSurface'' and ''DirectDraw.IDirectDrawSurface'' errors. Particulary in the following sxmovie unit procedure TSXMovie.SetupMediaSample; begin try FSample:=nil; FDDStream:=nil; FPrimaryVidStream:=nil; FMMStream.GetMediaStream(MSPID_PrimaryVideo, FPrimaryVidStream); FPrimaryVidStream.QueryInterface(IID_IDirectDrawMediaStream, FDDStream); FDDStream.CreateSample(nil,PRect(nil)^,0,FSample); FDXSurface := TDirectDrawSurface.Create(FDXDraw.DDraw); FSample.GetSurface(FSurface,FRect); FDXSurface.IDDSurface := FSurface; <====== this one except end; end; APart from trying to fix this code I was wondering if there were any other ways of displaying a movie on a delphix dxdraw surface? I am using windows 2000 with directx 8. I hope someone can help Ralph
Solved my problem. SXmedia will work with the official delphiX only, and not the patched UnDelphiX. I switched back to the original unpatched delphiX and now it works sweet. The project I am working on seems to function as before, so no harm done.
Hi Czar,
Dean Ellis, the SXMedia mogul will be back from his year long travel around the world in a few weeks, so he will probably update SXMedia to be compatible with UnDelphiX I would imagine.


Dominique := for all your Object Pascal game development needs; := for all your Object Pascal game development needs; := go on, write a game instead;
2 Czar: The problem you mentioned had easier (and better) solution: just try changing the order of DirectDraw, DXDraws and DirectX units in "uses" statement.

Edited by - Lifepower on February 3, 2002 9:51:22 AM

I also have a question to the SXMovie.
How can I set it to looped and how can I play it without the DoFlip Option set to true (It should play synchronic with the whle game...)

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