parallax engine

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5 comments, last by farside 22 years, 2 months ago
ive just written a parallax engine in c++ but every time i move the mouse while its running, the window closes! please help! farside
This isn''t nearly enough information to solve your problem. What''s supposed to happen when the mouse is moved?

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what do you use for moving the mouse? ( in the source )
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the mouse shouldn''t do anything yet
ive only written the scrolling background

no one can say what''s wrong if you don''t explain what you are doing, or at least posting some code. do a little troubleshooting yourself, mate!

Its probably your WM_MOUSEMOVE (or whatever its called) message in winmain.cpp, make sure there is a ''break;'' after the case, it could be jumping into another WM_ message.

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there was a dodgy bit of code in my message loop


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