Sinister DINPUT errors!

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1 comment, last by Lohrno 22 years, 1 month ago
DINPUT8: Acquire: Previous owner pid=0x00000F30 mysteriously died; stealing What does this mean? What is the mystery? And why is it taking anything without permission? =D -=Lohrno
How many processes do you have running? Is that pid one of yours? Does the message show up when you first call Acquire, or when you attempt to reacquire a lost device? Did you alt+tab away from the app (or did the debugger gain focus)? What device type? Are you running any other applications that may be polling input devices?

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
I think it happened because my program crashed once, and then I fixed it and ran it again and it said that. It only happened to me like once...It happened in the beginning of my program, so it happened when I first called acquire, and no I didn''t alt-tab...but I think I have good working re-acquisition code.


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