Mario64 style engine woes

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5 comments, last by danielk 22 years, 1 month ago
Hey people! I''m attempting to write a versatile engine similar to mario 64, which is more geared to outdoor secenery but can do indoor scenery just fine. I''m not quite sure how to go about it though.... The first problem is creting the worlds, i''ve written a very basic Quake Brush style editor similar to thread (so you position objects in 3d, not using a 2d grid interface), but I dont really like the results....Would 3Dstudio Max be the best option???? Secondly, do I use Octrees or BSP''s??? Octrees would be simpler to implement right??? And smaller??? But I''d have to use the Z buffer whilst with BSP, I would only have to use it for objects right???? Any ideas on occlusion culling using Octrees??? I.e. not drawing EVERY node if you are looking from a corner...I dont really want to use the Z buffer, but with octrees, I thinks it''s best ( I dont really want to go into having sub BSP''s in octree nodes etc ^_^ ). I dont really want to use BSP''s as I dont want too much static information, and out door levels would take up loads of memory, and I also find them a wee bit confusing ^_^, can I achive the same effect (fast rendering, depth sorting etc) with octrees? And thirdly, yes I''m a novice, but I''m starting a game programming degree in October ^_^, What exactly do portals do??? And would they be useful in this type of engine??? Thanks, hope someone can help, Dan Transformers Rulez!!
Transformers Rulez!!
For portals, take a look at Ask Midnight at FlipCode (you have to scroll down a bit).

Portals are designed for indoor scenes. Needless to say, it is less efficient for outdoor scenes !

About BSP or OctTrees... it''s up to you to decide.
BSP are a bit more difficult to understand, but not really more difficult to implement. BSPs are very popular at this time, but not necessarily more efficient.
danielk : what you have against z buffer. It comes "for free" on most GPU''s

There are more worlds than the one that you hold in your hand...
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
BSP''s are good indoors, but a dog for outdoor scenery. Engines that do both often implment octrees _and_ BSPs, one for outdoor and one for indoor.

Try to keep yourself down to one ''?'' per question in the future, would you?
quote:Original post by Anonymous Poster

Try to keep yourself down to one ''?'' per question in the future, would you?

why should he? his questions all tie in together...
I think you missed his point.. he doesnt want "???" rather he wants to see just "?" after each question.

"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else''s drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
-----------------------"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else's drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
quote:Original post by danielk
Would 3Dstudio Max be the best option????
Transformers Rulez!!

1) wouldn''t be, it is.
2) agree.

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