mysterious DWORD

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6 comments, last by Zoney 22 years, 1 month ago
A commonly used variable type in directx structures is the dword, and in the directx header it is declared like this: DWORD dwVariableName; which is nice, only when I use this myself, sometimes it works fine but other times my compiler claims that the type DWORD doesn''t exist at all... where is the DWORD type declared? it''s the same with the BOOL, but I''ve discovered that you can use bool in lower-case instead...
"If there was no god, it would be necessary to invent one" - Voltaire
It''s in one of the files included by windows.h, probably winbase, windef, or wintypes.


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I think it''s in <windows.h>.
Just checked. It''s in windef.h


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It''s defined in one of the windows headers, I''m not sure which one specifically but including windows.h should add it. It''s an unsigned 32 bit integer.

Win32 data types
A DWORD should just be typedef-ed as an unsigned long (32-bit integer). I''m guessing this is how it''s defined in Windows.h or wherever.
Thanks guys...
"If there was no god, it would be necessary to invent one" - Voltaire
That''s weird that it''s in a windows header. It should be as recognized as char or int.

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