C&C Renegade Hacking

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4 comments, last by g_fire_1983 22 years, 1 month ago
Can any people point me in the direction of any content editors for Command & Conquer renegades? I''m especially interested in removing the music but any pointers appreciated. I know this is a bit off topic but hey - it''s kinda related. Many thanks... ~~tim
not really. Try using google to find tools, because you aren''t interested in programmering them yourself, are you?

However, if you are I suggest at first just looking at what different files the game consists of, looking for anything familiar. I also recommend looking at fan pages for this game (they should be all over the place) were you might find interesting stuff. Go look under the modding section of the larger ones and you''re bound to find people with similar questions and hopefully answers to those.


I''d like to point out that I''ve written editors for every single version of Command & Conquer...only this one''s giving me a little trouble and I was hoping to speak to someone else having written something.
Moving this to the Mods forum...

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I think westwood has released C&C:ren sdk
but damn it I''ve forgot the position...seems to be an advertise bar...you can find by yourself or wait for some hours after I get it.
A curious boy
A curious boy

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