Sword Fighting

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42 comments, last by Silvermyst 22 years ago


W Take one step forward
A Circle step left
S Take one step backward
D Circle step right

SHIFT Activate mode 2

3-button mouse:

BUTTON 1 Activate Left Hand
BUTTON 2 Activate Right Hand
BUTTON 3 Activate special move

(for a 2-button mouse, the actions from the 3rd button can be assigned to two keyboard keys)

The player can choose whether he wants his default mode setting to be offensive or defensive. If he chooses it to be ''offensive'' then he will have to press (and hold?) the SHIFT button to activate the defensive mode during play.

In offensive mode, BUTTON 1 (B1) will give a left-handed attack.
BUTTON 2 (B2) will give a right-handed attack. BUTTON 3 (B3) will give a physical attack move (shove, push, kick, etc).

In defensive mode, B1 will give a left-handed defense, B2 a right-handed defense, B3 a physical defense move (dodge, duck, jump back, etc).

To each mouse button, for each of the two modes (offensive/defensive), 3 functions can be assigned:

For B1 and B2 in offensive mode, a tap might result in a feigned attack; a hold in a piercing attack; a hold + move mouse in a slashing attack. For B3, a tap might result in a shove; a hold in a kick; a hold + move mouse in a jump kick (just as example).

Attacking and defending

The mouse pointer''s location is the focus point of the fighter. When the mouse pointer is hoovering over the enemy''s head, that''s where your character is preparing to attack. The longer the mouse pointer stays at one point, the higher the accuracy of the attack will be.

The same applies to defense. The mouse pointer, in defensive mode, determines where the character will expect the next attack to come from. When in defensive mode, the best thing to do against an enemy with just one weapon, is to follow the weapon with your mouse pointer. This will give the highest chance for a succesful block. A character focused on defense will activate his defensive mode, then click and hold his right or left hand mouse button, moving the mouse pointer across the screen in order to follow the opponent''s weapon. In this situation, when the opponent attacks, your character will automatically attempt to block the attack, with a very high succes chance.

Speed of combat

I''m not sure yet if I want to make the fights real-time or not. I can see the benefit of slightly slowing down time, in order to give players more chance to react to what they see their opponent do. It might become more like a chess game, where players think ahead and plan their moves. But maybe that''ll take away some of the excitement.


I want two things:

Players to be able to see their own character fight
Players to be able to have as large a target as possible

For now, I see the player''s character appear fully at the bottom of the screen, while the opponent is place directly in front of him. The feet of the player''s character should be close to the bottom of the screen while the top of the head of the enemy should be close to the very top of the screen.

The problem is that the player''s character will obscure part of the body of his opponent. Maybe the camera can move automatically, depending on where the mouse pointer is positioned. If mouse pointer is moved down, towards opponent''s legs, the camera could move higher above the character, thus showing more of the opponent''s lower half. If mouse pointer is moved up, towards opponent''s head, the camera could move lower to show a more detailed frontal view of the upper part of the opponent''s body.

The same automatic camera movement would apply to distance between fighters. When fighters are far apart, camera should zoom out, keeping player character at bottom of screen and enemy at top. When players are very close to each other, camera should zoom in as far as possible, keeping the head of opponent at top of screen and feet of player character at bottom of screen.

I''m still debating whether or not this interface should/could add more functions. Right now, the left hand can control keyboard, where three fingers will take care of movement, while one other finger will control the MODE key (can be assigned to any key). The right hand will control the mouse, where player will need three fingers. (or two, but then the keyboard will have to add two keys to control the offensive physical moves and defensive physical moves).

After having played Bushido Blade, I am now wondering how to insert ''stance'' into the design. At first I thought of letting the mouse pointer control this. The stance of the player character would adjust according to the mouse pointer location. Player could be allowed to set his own favorite stances. (Example: mouse pointer: high on left side of opponent -> stance: hold sword above head). The good thing about this, is that the opponent would eventually be able to recognize the stance and prepare his defense accordingly. The bad thing is... if mouse movement controls stance, then what happens when a player makes a slashing attack (hold + move mouse)? Does stance change right after attack depending on where the mouse pointer is located after attack? Does mouse pointer reset automatically to location where attack started?
Also, imagine a player having assigned a low, defensive stance to ''mouse pointer low''. If the player sees an opening in the opponent''s defense and wants to stab at the head, the mouse movement required to get the mouse pointer from where it is (low) to where he wants to attack (high) would change the stance immediately. What if the player doesn''t want to change his stance, but still wants to have flexible attacks?

Well, I''ve fallen in love with this interface, but I''m sure there''s enough to critique, so go ahead
You either believe that within your society more individuals are good than evil, and that by protecting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible, or you believe that within your society more individuals are evil than good, and that by limiting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible.
quote:Original post by Silvermyst

quote:The only way to make Locational Attacks meaningful is by allowing the player to select them with a mouse _on_the_target_

quote:Yes, but HOW does this work? How does a player select his target with his mouse? What viewpoint does he get to work with? How big is the target? Etc.

Actually, you needn't limit the interface to a mouse. You could simply scroll between active target boxes for a given/selected opponent. I still think slo mo would be necessary to make it playable, you might want to target an enemy's sword mid-attack, for example.

It would be simpler to implement in 2d than 3d. Player POV could be 1st or 3rd, it doesn't matter.

[edited by - deClavier on May 13, 2002 7:19:06 PM]
deCLAVIER wrote:
quote:I still think slo mo would be necessary to make it playable, you might want to target an enemy''s sword mid-attack, for example.

I think that with slow-motion, you can create an entirely different experience. Where sword games now are mostly just hack''n''slash (even though some have less hacking and more strategy) you could change it into almost a chessgame. "You raise your sword, so I move up my shield. You take a step forward, I take a step backward. You pierce at my heart, I sidestep and slice at your side."

The more you slow it down, the more it becomes a cat and mouse game where each action requires a certain reaction.

I haven''t thrown this idea out yet, but it so completely changes the pace that I had thought out for the sword fight design (high paced, although perhaps slightly slowed down) that it would most likely also completely change all other aspects of the game.
You either believe that within your society more individuals are good than evil, and that by protecting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible, or you believe that within your society more individuals are evil than good, and that by limiting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible.
Anybody here play Obi-Wan for the Xbox? Very nice sword play there. Also, the matrix slow-mo move is kinda neat. It is a very fast paced combat system with WONDERFUL colision detection. You can even break weapons sometimes.

I personally like dismembering the robots...

My sig used to be, "God was my co-pilot but we crashed in the mountains and I had to eat him..."
But folks whinned and I had to change it.

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