resubmiting vertexes

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1 comment, last by Marius 21 years, 10 months ago
let''s sa I have a mesh. I want to show the mesh in 2 positions. If I already submit the mesh to video card first time when I''m painting it, with current selected transformation matrix, then I change the tr matrix and I want to draw it again in new position why I have to resend all the vertexes again. Is there a technique to tell to open gl reuse alrady submited vertexex ? MCO
Search around for "Display Lists"

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_______________________________________Pixelante Game Studios - Fowl Language
Go to HEHE! or use this simple exmple!

  Gluint Displaylist;...void MAKEDISPLAYLIST(){Displaylist=glGenLists(1); // Gets the memory readyglNewList(Displaylist,GL_COMPILE); // kinda like glBegin() for DisplaylistsDrawMyModel(); //draw your entire model inside glNewList and glEndList.glEndList();  // kinda like glEnd() for Displaylists...void DrawMyDisplayList(){glCallList(Displaylist); // Draws Displaylist}  
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