OGL game programming book

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13 comments, last by fatherjohn666 21 years, 11 months ago
I just discovered the glexcess demo...fuk me
Yah, this book *rules*. I really dont like learning from books and like online stuff, but this is an exception. And yes, i wish gl xs had source, its just so HOT . But I have fun playing 3D pong etc.. i tried out euphoria today,and its screwy
. Oh well. The book is good .
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quote:I think it''s pretty good...

Nah, it''s horrible Dave, an absolute wreck. Total waste of time and money
Hehe, just kidding... don''t ban me... please?

Good book, kind of skimmed a couple things I wished you hadn''t, but handy to have around.

aud.vze.com - The Audacious Engine <-- It''s not much, yet. But it''s mine... my own... my preciousssss...
MSN: nmaster42@hotmail.com, AIM: LockePick42, ICQ: 74128155
_______________________________________Pixelante Game Studios - Fowl Language
Definitely a great book an well worth the money (even if it is around $60). I haven''t really had the opportunity to sit down with a compiler and try out the code, but I have been reading it and learning the theory. The window code and message handling stuff is a little complex at first, so you''ll just have to accept that it works and move on. Sometimes it seems like the book only gives the theory behind something, rather than an implementation (a couple of lines of code here for each GL function would have been nice). It seems like they go over all of the functions, but don''t actually use them until a big program that tosses them all together.

Dave: On a side note, have you ever tried compiling the book''s code in Dev-C++? It is a great little program that I just discovered (after getting fed up with my outdated MSVC++), but I hate trying to compile code that was designed in a MSVC environment, because there are usually numerous quirks. Perhaps you could write up a little OGL book code with Dev-C++ tutorial?
quote:Original post by LockePick
kind of skimmed a couple things I wished you hadn''t
Yeah... Kevin and I were honestly way too busy while we wrote the book. We were both in the last year of our BS degrees, he was playing baseball and I was working full time. We had to kind of rush things at the end, and it shows a bit. We''re both happy with what the book is, and I think it provides a good starting point, but there are a lot of things we could improve on... which I believe we are going to do
quote:Original post by Erunama
Dave: On a side note, have you ever tried compiling the book''s code in Dev-C++? It is a great little program that I just discovered (after getting fed up with my outdated MSVC++), but I hate trying to compile code that was designed in a MSVC environment, because there are usually numerous quirks. Perhaps you could write up a little OGL book code with Dev-C++ tutorial?
I haven''t tried compiling the code with Dev-C++, but we actually considering using that as the "official" compiler for the book, since it''s free. I doubt you''d have much of a problem getting most of the code to work with any non-MSVC compiler, since I try to use standard C++ (I''ve done quite a bit of non-Windows development). In fact, a little while ago, someone e-mailed me to let me know they had ported the code from the book to work on OSX with very little effort.

Dave "Myopic Rhino" Astle
Executive Producer and COO, GameDev.net
Game Programmer, Avalanche Software
Author, OpenGL Game Programming

"Leaking and bleeding... that''s what happens when you don''t relax"

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