Occlusion Culling

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35 comments, last by Dirge 20 years, 12 months ago
Hey Yann, did you get a chance to try out the constant-depth idea?
Me thinks that this const-depth idea might be more useful if the space partitioning relied more upon the scene geometry. For example in this long hallway scene you might know that rooms are behind it and only check for the occlusion, not condidering the stored depth. This again can be accomplished via a semi-automatic portalization that I wrote about a couple of posts ago.
quote:Original post by treething
Hey Yann, did you get a chance to try out the constant-depth idea?

Yes, I did. It works pretty nice, actually. Although I had to set the threshold for the 1/z gradient pretty low. The occlusion went highly conservative very fast, otherwise. Still, I get a speedup of around 60% on the rendering, if directly in front of a parallel wall (obviously, since the constant filling reduces the impact of CPU fillrate). Generally, you can achieve around 20% speedup on a normal camera view. Not bad for such a simple modification.
Yeah, looks like it falls down to applying a ''billboard'', so triangles that have a high gradient would not work. It''s a shame you have to do all that occlusion culling in software. Maybe in next generation of hardware, we''ll get some fast query mechanism to get some feedback from the renderer, if that''s ever possible.

Everything is better with Metal.

We have that in current generation hardware. The problem is that you cannot take advantage of CPU/GPU parallelization due to the fact that with current state of hardware occlusion culling CPU and GPU need to constantly talk to each other.

Perhaps in the next generation hardware we''ll be able to pass "if..then" instructions to hardware queries, this is when things are going to get really quick.
What is about visibility determination for shadow-map lighting? For example, object A is invisible, but it can cast shadow to visible object B. So it must be rendered to the sm.

This is more complicated type of visibilty determination. Is it possible to use HOM (rendering from light source) for this purposes?

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