Object picking Kills framerate?

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31 comments, last by skow 20 years, 10 months ago
Well what if i want to do Mouseover effects? It wont be rendering an additional frame when you click but instead whenever you move your mouse. Since most games which require a mouse will require you to move your mouse all the time, fps would be halved.

I am not trying to say that your method is wrong or not good, as i have never really used the mouse in the few OpenGL apps i have made, so i might be wrong.Compared to most of the ppl on these forums, i''m a noob.

And is GL_SELECT really that slow?
Well to solve the problem i got it working using just hte green and blue components, dont know why red wont detect at some angles.

GL_SELECT is that bad, If your doing mouse over effects that require a detection every frame....then i dont think perpixel slection is what you want to do. Line sphere detection is probably what you would want to do, its very fast and wont reduce the framerate.
quote:Original post by GamerSg
Well what if i want to do Mouseover effects? It wont be rendering an additional frame when you click but instead whenever you move your mouse. Since most games which require a mouse will require you to move your mouse all the time, fps would be halved.

I am not trying to say that your method is wrong or not good, as i have never really used the mouse in the few OpenGL apps i have made, so i might be wrong.Compared to most of the ppl on these forums, i''m a noob.

And is GL_SELECT really that slow?

nope, but it technically is EXACTLY the same as i suggested here..

remember, you only need to render a 1x1 click-image!! that does not hurt much..

GL_SELECT switches to software rendering to render that 1x1 click image.. yes, that is slower!

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