Transparency blending with color - glBlend()

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11 comments, last by okonomiyaki 20 years, 3 months ago
Oh, it never occured to me that that was what you were trying to say. glTexEnv should do the trick for you though...

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Heh, that''s ok Thanks a lot for the effort! glTexEnv did do what I wanted.. wow, how easy!
hi, i''m trying to implement the same ideea but with a slight diference... I have the sky-dome with gradients already rendered and i want to draw the cloud texture on a quad. The quad has vertex color at the edges to (0,0,0) so that the texture slowly fades toward the edges. The problem is that i can''t find a good combination so that the quad''s vertex color is taken in consideration. I use the following:


If I ''give up'' cloud coloring from texture I get what i want using


but then, i won''t be able to shade the clouds. So my question is How can i use texture colors for cloud color, texture alpha for cloud shape and also cloud plane vertex color for fading it into the distance. Also i use 1.0 alpha value for quad vertex color. Thanks

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