game programming starter kit 3.0

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1 comment, last by 24 years, 8 months ago
I bought the kit and it is very good, only that you have to know how to program and everything. also de Genesis engine is way cool, but the only thing is that don't have enough doc


I have hardly any expierience in game programming and was wondering if any one has heard of the game programming starter kit 3.0. I wanted to know what kind of stuff should i know to use it. I just dont want to waste the money to buy it and not be able to use it.
Thank you!
in my opinion, the game programming start kit is a good place to start for game programming, but not for programming in general. it does not have any tutorials for general C/C++ programming, only game programming specific topics. another thing is that the version of Visual C++ that is shipped with it is an Introductory edition, and hence, does not have all the features the standard, or professional version may have. i hope this helps you in making your decision.


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