[java] How to build a javascript chat server?

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2 comments, last by rsnail 23 years, 7 months ago
I am looking for resources on developing a chat in java. Eventually this will develop into a small game. links? books? any suggestions?
Lance(rsnail) Developer and Artist.Rocketsnail Games - Small Bursts of Imagingation.http://www.rocketsnail.com/
You should probably look into "Java Network Programming" by Elliotte Rusty Harold. ISBN 1-56592-227-1.
I think we should clean up a misunderstanding here:

Javsscript has very little to do with Java. It is two completely different languages and Sun has later regretted that they allowed the java-script developers to use that name because it has caused so much confusion.

This is a Java forum. Not a java-script forum. Reading a book on java will not solve your problems in Javascipt.

Jacob Marner

Jacob Marner, M.Sc.Console Programmer, Deadline Games
Thanks SiCrane, that book looks really good, i''ll try to order it.
Lance(rsnail) Developer and Artist.Rocketsnail Games - Small Bursts of Imagingation.http://www.rocketsnail.com/

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