advanced 2D physics engine?

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15 comments, last by Speeder 15 years, 10 months ago
Quote:Original post by BioSlayer_
you can try out my 2D physics engine.
I've been meaning to try it out, but have been postponing the effort until Tao moves to .NET 2.0 and we get a Mono binary of Physics2D working....
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
I've been using OPAL for my 2D game. Its pretty nice, though if you already are using ODE, there'd be little point switching.
Quote:There should be some 2D physics engine that's capable of some rigid bodies, ropes, collision detection, friction, etc. Right?

This is a really important discussion. For us not capable for different reasons an easy-to-use 2D physics library with these features is just what we need. I got several amazing ideas I could make with a library like this is my hands.

The closest thing I found was this but it is discontinued due to the developer running out of time, but it looks really promising. The complex demo is just awesome and shows some of what you can do with the power of 2d physics:

If there's anything better or easier, please let me know! seems pretty good, rigid body with joints.
There a few pretty good 2d physics engines written in flash, so you could port the open source ones over to whatever programming language you use and even use them as a starting point for your own engine.

Flade (Flash Dynamics Engine) -
This engine is not in development anymore (see next section), but it's still very good, especially since it's open source.

APE (Actionscript Physics Engine) -
The continuation to Flade, APE is still in the early alpha stage, so it doesn't have as many features as Flade, but it shows very much promise for the future. It's also open source, so you can tinker around with it :P

The Fisix Engine( isn't open source, but there will be tutorials posted on the site.
The Motor Flash Physics( is another engine, I'm not sure if it's open source or not.
I think I've ranted about just using plain ODE for 2D physics before, but I'll happily do it again :)

To my experience, plain ODE works perfectly for 2D. Just keep all your Z-values zero, and everything just stays perfectly in the XY plane. Furthermore, only do rotations and torques around <0,0,1>. Voila. A very good 2D physics engine, no need for any modifications/extensions to ODE.

This is the approach used by xmoto. The primary downside to this is the heavier computational requirements: a strict 2D physics approach would lower these quite a lot.
-- Rasmus Neckelmann
Again: Rise from your grave!

Ok, you are wondering: Why you ressurected a THAT old topic?
It is because after some time with the same problem (since 2005 btw), this topic helped me much, and now finally I can contribute back!

The thing is still new, but it works well (and it suits well my game in particular, since I do not need soft-bodies, ropes, liquids and that sort of thing that still is not done), Chipmunk:
IGDA São Paulo member.Game Design student.

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