Looking for authors - submissions closed (Updated 4/27)

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43 comments, last by cozman 19 years, 1 month ago
Sean: Thanks, I'll check out the demos. I'm sure that at least a few of them will fit in.

AP: Yes, the demos will be in C++. Basic STL is fine. My main goal is to have the demo code be easily understandable.

As for the detail level... with a book this size covering this many topics, you obviously can't go into excruciating detail. What I've tried to do in my own writing is provide just enough theory for the reader to have a decent understanding of how things really work, and have the main focus be on practice and application, without focusing on too much on one particular implementation. So, for example, with particle systems, I'd probably discuss what problems they are meant to solve, what attributes they might have, etc., and then discuss some different design choices for implementing them, accompanied by a simple implementation that can be extended by the reader.

Btw, I'll post an update later about which topics have been spoken for.
Dave, I assume you got my email re:glsl section... just checking it didnt get eatten [grin]
Yeah, sorry, I still need to respond to everyone who has emailed me, but to be brief: you're pretty much spot on with what I'm looking for in that chapter. I'll send a more detailed response later, but I'm late picking up my daughter [grin]
heh, fair play [grin]
Damn it, if only this was three months later... I don't have anywhere near the time right now [sad]...
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
Idea: Create a closed WiKi, that you open up to possible Authors, and everyone can chip in a bit, although there will allways be "Chapter Supervisors" of course, to make sure everything falls into place.

I for one, although I don't see myself writing any of these chapters, I can do some assistant work, in researching examples, tutorials, code, etc...

I do feel that there aren't any game programming books out there that really sit down with the reader and guide them through two key areas: Multithreading and plugin designs.

These are areas that are either filled up with myths, or beginners coders just see them as too complex, when they're really not...

In regards to graphics code per se, there should be a book out there with a decent BSP primer, instead of historical snippets like "BSPs where used in Doom...", and a decent intro, backup up by a downloadable demo or library, shouldnt take more than 20 pages, if I'm not grossely underestimating it.

What do you guys think of my thoughts?
some good ideas there Prozak, the MT stuff definately, however kinda out of the scope of this book I feel [smile]
I'll definitely be buying a copy when it comes out.
Author Freeworld3Dhttp://www.freeworld3d.org
Prozak: I agree as well, but _the_phantom_ is right, both are outside the scope of this book.

Anyway, I just updated the ToC. Most topics have at least one tentative author at this point, but there are still a few topics that need to be covered:

1.6 - Disabling VSync (I'll probably just write about this)
1.7 – Framebuffer Objects (will probably be included in the render-to-texture section anyway - either way I can write about it as well)
3.0 - ARB_vertex_program and ARB_fragment_program
5.7 - Dynamic Light Mapping
5.8 - Detail Maps
6.8 - HDR lighting
6.9 – Explosions
7.1 – Skies
7.1.1 – Skyboxes
7.1.2 – Skyplanes
7.1.3 – Skydomes
7.1.4 – Dynamic methods
7.3 - Clouds

Originally, the skies topic was marked as taken because I have an article that I wrote for another book a couple of years ago that I was going to update, but the article was pretty basic (focusing on static skyboxes), and I think there are people here who are capable of writing about much more exciting techniques (perhaps I could include my stuff as an intro to the basics and someone else could add more on dynamic methods)

In regards to the additional chapter ideas, at this point, it looks like we'll definitely be including a chapter scene management/visibility determination, etc. Someone has offered to write an OpenAL chapter, but I'm beginning to feel that it's a little off topic for the book.
Quote:Original post by Myopic Rhino
Someone has offered to write an OpenAL chapter, but I'm beginning to feel that it's a little off topic for the book.

Darn! [wink] I think your right Dave, this book would be better just for the OpenGL specifics in relation to Game Programming. I mean it's not about making games with OpenGL, otherwise there would need to be info on the other components such as input, file i/o, etc...

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