3H-GDC m.II **** The results are in ****

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149 comments, last by Binomine 18 years, 9 months ago
Quote:Original post by Mezz
Also, would you really want it all - renderers, yes, but input & sound managers and math libs just seem a bit pointless...

If you're going to use any code you have written outside of the scheduled three hours, you need to let others have access to it - it's only fair.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
I would like to join one of these comps but sadly I have not the skill yet. Also I am not comfortable with any game libs yet. I have been playing with Open-GL for a while now and still am haveing lots of problems. [sad]
Gor435 - My Journal - MySpace - Facebook
I will be expanding on my stock small time limit game dev idea (aka, pygame top down maze game :))

You can grab the sources to my last 3h-gdc entry here. I will be using it as the base for my next game.
_____________________________Stephen EckenrodeProject Head / Lead Programmer<a href="http://www.centaurforce.com> Centaur Force
I've set up a thread in my journal for discussing prize donations.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

Quote:Original post by Mezz
Can base code include stuff like math libs and error handling etc? Also, would you really want it all - renderers, yes, but input & sound managers and math libs just seem a bit pointless... they never really vary in quality like renderers do.


Quote:7. You may use rendering frame, input manager, or sound manager base code that you have written, but no other code. You must post this code in a source tag in the forum on Friday night before the competition to keep the playing field even (anyone may use it if they want). The judges reserve the right to veto your use of such code (hence the need for the Friday night deadline).

what you may use: a window for rendering, yes, a renderer, no.

math libs, yes, you may post those and use them. Rules have been updated accordingly.

prizes have been updated.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

Just wanted to wish all the participants the best of luck.

I offered up one of the prizes, but in reality the real prize is in taking pleasure from programming, and carving out a place for yourself in the world, doing something you love to do.

No prize can top that! (ok... perhaps TWO years of GD.Net could top that... [wink])
OK, so I don't see there having been much discussion on the theme yet... any ideas on that?

Also, is it OK to basically rip code from samples - I'm really just thinking of a few of the ones that come with the DirectX SDK, which everybody that is using that platform will have access to no problems?

Quote:Original post by Mezz
OK, so I don't see there having been much discussion on the theme yet... any ideas on that?

Also, is it OK to basically rip code from samples - I'm really just thinking of a few of the ones that come with the DirectX SDK, which everybody that is using that platform will have access to no problems?


I'm going to say no. All non-API code should be written by you, unless it is the shared code base here in the thread.

Remember, you must post your code base by 11:59PM TONIGHT by the server clock in order for it to be considered.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

First, where do we post our basecode? This thread, I'm assuming, but not sure. I had a second question but a quick read-through of your rules answered it for me.
Quote:Original post by Samith
First, where do we post our basecode? This thread, I'm assuming, but not sure. I had a second question but a quick read-through of your rules answered it for me.

yes, this thread.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

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