Easy button mod.

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13 comments, last by benryves 18 years, 1 month ago
Shame on you, Conner. You win the thread.
It's obviously some form of social commentary on the "have it now" culture of American society. Honayboyz is fighting against instant-gratification-itis by reminding us that at any time our easy lifestyle only leads to a totalitarian regime in which Big Brother is always listening, even from the most mundane objects, andn always recording everything you do.

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

Quote:Original post by capn_midnight
It's obviously some form of social commentary on the "have it now" culture of American society. Honayboyz is fighting against instant-gratification-itis by reminding us that at any time our easy lifestyle only leads to a totalitarian regime in which Big Brother is always listening, even from the most mundane objects, andn always recording everything you do.

Your opinion is wrong. F minus. [grin]
Quote:Original post by Conner McCloud
I agree. She definately looks like she would have an easy button.


Well played.

Quote:Original post by capn_midnight
It's obviously some form of social commentary on the "have it now" culture of American society. Honayboyz is fighting against instant-gratification-itis by reminding us that at any time our easy lifestyle only leads to a totalitarian regime in which Big Brother is always listening, even from the most mundane objects, andn always recording everything you do.

I thought Honayboyz just wanted to show off his girlfriend. This is why I'll never be able to get a degree in philosophy :(
Quote:Original post by Conner McCloud
I agree. She definately looks like she would have an easy button.

Damn you. *mops tea off monitor*

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