Dinosaurs and Evangelism

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1,475 comments, last by Alpha_ProgDes 17 years, 9 months ago
I don't know about some of the things he talks about (Noah's Ark might be that piece of ground?) - but I think creation makes much more sense than evolution. He makes a lot of good points in that video too....
It is the nature of religion--ANY religion--to "make sense". That's what makes it so alluring: its invitation to discard uncertainty in favor of internal consistency. (But that doesn't make it right.)
I don't know about some of the things he talks about (Noah's Ark might be that piece of ground?) - but I think creation makes much more sense than evolution.

Look, no offence but I have to say it. Evolution is science. Tough science. Not really something you can learn by browsing Wikipedia for 30 minutes. Most people in this whole debate(me included) have very small understanding of it. Sure creation makes much more sense to the layman than evolution. The same way the image of Zeus throwing thunders makes more sense than studing electricity. Or even the same way that Newton makes much more sense that Einstein. That is, of course, until you study Einstein.

I'm not saying who's write or wrong here, but keep in mind that science is not another "religion" no matter how creationists want to present it as such. Sure, many scientists may be inflexible in their views, but noone can doubt that science, in all fields, have been updated,revised,even rewritten dozens of times according to new discoveries. What are the chances that the Bible will be rewritten? None. What's the point of the dialog then? The guy bases his whole (admittably well thought-out) system in the axiom that there was a canopy of water around earth. Note that because something is possible to exist, doesn't mean it existed. But in this case, even he himself can't explain how it would be even imagineable for such a thing to exist. He says "The Bible says it, I believe it". I have nothing against this line of thinking, but, again, this throws any logical argument out of the window. He tries to prove the Bible (scientifically) correct by using... the Bible. Well duh. If we take as a given that Bible is correct, then it's correct. No need for a 2.5 hour seminar to explain that.
I am not saying that evolution is a religion or anything - just that the way that evolution says that the world has been created doesn't make as much sense as the way presented by creation.
Out of curiosity, what is the biggest flaw you see in evolution that creationism explains better?
Evolution saying that biological information is gained from mutation. Creation saying that biological information is lost from mutation.
I don't understand what you mean. By definition, mutation is to create a variant version of the original. How can genetic information be lost during that process? If I originally have:


and by mutation I get a slightly different version:


don't I have more information than before?

Like that guy on the video says - evolution says that we came from rocks. All of our DNA has changed slowly to what we are now, with new information being gained - like how we need a nose to smell things. Yet all of these super smart people who say that this is true cannot show an example where this actually occurs. You would think that there would be examples everywhere, all around us - but there isn't.
There are examples all around us. For example, felines rarely have problem with their spine or digestive system. Millions of years of evolution have perfected it to the way they are today. Humans, on the other hand, have all kinds of problem due to the fact that they stand up in a vertical pose. The bones take more pressure, and the intenstines are "hang" in an akward manner. It's obvious humans were not originally design to stand up.

That's the examples you're going to get. You're not going to witness a new useful organ grow overnight, if that's what you're asking. Altough there are people who are,say, born with some kind of membranes on their toes. This may not be useful today, but if it happened on other circumstances(think WaterWorld) it could be very useful.
The examples you write about do not show new biological information being gained. You only say that 'millions of years of evolution' have caused this. All the brilliant minds of the world have never found an example where new information just suddenly appears out of nowhere.

However, there are many examples in creatures all around the world where biological information has been lost. The model presented by creation explains everything.

Also, something that is 'useful' is different to 'gaining new information'.

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