Money of Open Source

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44 comments, last by 17 years, 9 months ago
Quote:Original post by leoptimus
Initially, Open source solutions were usable for the most advanced developers who are able to understand the technology right?

Wrong. They are for the users who can afford to spend time compiling, configuring, tweaking and supporting the solution themselves.
Are we talking about writing games, or other software?

With games, nevermind ads or whatever, there's a very obvious way to make money with open source: You release the code as open source, but not the data files (graphics and so on). - Erebus, Open Source RPG for Windows/Linux/Android - Conquests, Open Source Civ-like Game for Windows/Linux

"Open source products could be better than their comercial propietary countparts" Linux Vs Windows

Please do some further reading.
Quote:Original post by leoptimus
But today, many open source tools are suitable for beginners too. So what's next? There will be anything for the commercial countparts? Open Source will takes everything.

It's not. I have had bad experience with KDevelop for example. It's a real turn off when it doesn't work, and VC++6 does such a great job.
I prefer to work on Windows, and then port to Linux.
an open source GLU replacement library. Much more modern than GLU.
float matrix[16], inverse_matrix[16];
glhTranslatef2(matrix, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0);
glhRotateAboutXf2(matrix, angleInRadians);
glhScalef2(matrix, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0);
glhQuickInvertMatrixf2(matrix, inverse_matrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation1, 1, FALSE, matrix);
glUniformMatrix4fv(uniformLocation2, 1, FALSE, inverse_matrix);
About the original topic:

Are we talking about using Open Source programs/libraries in another program (not necessarily Open Source), or making money from an actual open source program/library?
Quote:Open Source will takes everything.

If everyone was hitchhinking, there would be no need for cars.


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