02.07 - The Readiness Test

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214 comments, last by Teej 20 years, 5 months ago
I''m trying to compile the basecode under Borland C++ Builder 4, but i keep getting these errors:

[Linker Error] Unresolved external ''_IID_IDirectDraw7'' referenced from C:\CG\HANDSON\PROJETO\BASECODE1\INITTERM.OBJ.
[Linker Error] Unresolved external ''DirectDrawCreateEx'' referenced from C:\CG\HANDSON\PROJETO\BASECODE1\INITTERM.OBJ.
[Linker Error] Unresolved external ''_IID_IDirectInput7A'' referenced from C:\CG\HANDSON\PROJETO\BASECODE1\INITTERM.OBJ.
[Linker Error] Unresolved external ''DirectInputCreateEx'' referenced from C:\CG\HANDSON\PROJETO\BASECODE1\INITTERM.OBJ.
[Linker Error] Unresolved external ''_IID_IDirectInputDevice7A'' referenced from C:\CG\HANDSON\PROJETO\BASECODE1\INITTERM.OBJ.
[Linker Error] Unresolved external ''_c_dfDIKeyboard'' referenced from C:\CG\HANDSON\PROJETO\BASECODE1\INITTERM.OBJ.

All my .h and .lib seems to be Ok. Does anyone have any idea about what can be happening?

Did you link dxguid.lib into your program?
Darkpunk: I''ll be discussing that little ''technique'' in an article coming up shortly, but I can tell you that it''s a nice way of organizing globals. One of the really frustrating things when dealing with multiple headers/source files is keeping the compiler/linker happy, and this method sure helps.


Hiya all!
I just got the whole thing to compile, link, and run with the free Borland 5.5 compiler and VIDE. It only took me about 12 hours . If anyone needs help with 5.5 and VIDE will do my best to help out. It was in the end very simple to do. Have Fun!

Yeah globals are really rough, and id love to figure that out since it would be really useful for when i''ve developed my own dx functions and want to make a seperate file to include in future games.

I cant wait to read the article!! Will this way of global defining also work when attempting to make a *.lib file? I was trying to compile my dx init stuff into one lib so i can constant reuse it with all my idea testing programs. It gets monotonous to type out winapi a billion times as well as dx objects.

Anyway, i look forward to reading more of this forum.

Hooray! Compiled and linked and ready to rock.

hey, thx for the tip! i forgot to link some libs (ddraw.lib, dxguid.lib and c_dinput.lib). Now its really working! thx again.

HAUHUAHUAHUAHAUHA now i''m ready....
Help me please...
I couldn''t get your BaseCode1 working.
Probably because I don''t have Directx7 SDK installed.
Could someone give me a URL for this? I can''t find it.

Also, I am using MSVC++ 6 and found that it has its own default "ddraw.h", "dsound.h" and "dinput.h" header files. What versions are these? Can we use these? I found that some functions had different name and different parameter lists to what TeeJ had used.
e.g. ''LPDIRECTDRAW7'' would be ''LPDIRECTDRAW''

I know next to nothing about DirectX so this is probably be silly question but I''d be grateful if someone could answer my questions nonethless...

Go Blazers~~!!!
Go Blazers~~!!!
pippen33: what you see are old verions of directx files. you can get the newest files at www.microsoft.com/directx. you need to download the directx 8 sdk and runtime files.
OK, now I am getting desperate. I still have the same problem:


d:\dxvcsdk\lib\ddraw.lib : fatal error LNK1106: invalid file or disk full: cannot seek to 0x389bc793

Error executing link.exe.

Here are the steps I have taken so far to solve this problem:

  • Checked HD, it is not full

  • Moved ddraw.lib and its directory to a different HD to make sure that my HD wasn't damaged, had bad blocks, etc.(made appropriate changes in my IDE to reflect these changes)

  • Re-downloaded and re-installed the entire SDK (ver 8.0) as well as the run-time libraries (ver 8.0a)to ensure that none of the files are corrupt in the kit.

  • Read countless articles and postings on the Net, still found no reasonable explication

I am using MS Visual C++ 5.0 with the minimum installation configuration, so some of my /lib and /include directories as well as other misc. stuff are running from the CD-Rom. I heard that if the .lib file was compiled using VC 6.0 and you are still using VC 5.0 you might run into this problem. I doubt it though, I imagine many of you are using VC 5.0 with the DirectX SDK ver 8.0 and nobody seems to have this problem.

Anyway, ANY idea would be greatly appreciated as I am running out of them and don't know what else to do, I am really stuck.

Thanks in advance

Edited by - Higgenkreuz on April 26, 2001 10:52:59 AM

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